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Organization of the Immigration Bureaucracy

  1. Organization

Organization of the Immigration Bureaucracy

Immigration and Naturalization Service existed 1933-2003; powers derived from Attorney General and the INA.

Department of Homeland Security established by 2003 Homeland Security Act

Citizenship and Immigration Services – all applications for naturalization and benefits, asylum, refugee.

Customs and Border Protection – Customs, Border Patrol. Inspectors at ports of entry

Immigration and Customs Enforcement – investigators (smuggling, EWIs, employment violations, etc), detention and removal staff, trial attorneys in immigration court.

Organization of the Immigration Bureaucracy

Immigration and Naturalization Service existed 1933-2003; powers derived from Attorney General and the INA.

Department of Homeland Security established by 2003 Homeland Security Act

Citizenship and Immigration Services – all applications for naturalization and benefits, asylum, refugee.

Customs and Border Protection – Customs, Border Patrol. Inspectors at ports of entry

Immigration and Customs Enforcement – investigators (smuggling, EWIs, employment violations, etc), detention and removal staff, trial attorneys in immigration court.

Department of Justice

Immigration Judges – removal proceedings and all relevant waivers and relief, few other small things

Board of Immigration Appeals – worthless rubber-stamp court w/few published opinions. Removal and occupational cases.

Other appeals – Administrative Appeals Unit does family and some other cases. Chief Admin Hearing Officer does some employment stuff. Special Counsel for immigration unfair employment stuff in DOJ.

Department of State

Bureau of Consular Affairs – visas issued overseas by consular officers. Also passport services.

Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration – Help to refugee camps, contact point with UNHCR.

Other Federal Agencies

Department of Labor – INA requires CIS to cooperates with them in the labor certification process

The Public Health Service (HHS) – PHS doctors conduct medical exams of arriving noncitizens

Office of Refugee Resettlement (HHS) – administers social services to refugees and unaccompanied minors

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