Netflix -Why are They Successful. 15 Reasons
Netflix -Why are They Successful. 15 Reasons
Netflix, the direct-to-consumer subscription video service, is a streaming service that allows its customers to watch a wide variety of video entertainment on internet-connected devices as discussed over at runrex.com. It is not an entertainment company, but, much like Amazon or Google, it is a technology company. Netflix has changed how and what we watch, and has seen tremendous success in the last couple of years. What are some of the reasons behind its success? Well, here are 15 reasons why Netflix has been so successful.
Disrupting the industry
Netflix’s history as an innovator and disruptor has played a key role in its success according to the subject matter experts over at guttulus.com. The company started by shipping DVDs via mail, then it abolished late fees which led to Blockbuster’s collapse, then it transitioned from mailing content to streaming movies and TV shows digitally, and, finally, Netflix began producing its own original content. This innovation has meant that Netflix has always been one step ahead, hence its success.
The flexibility Netflix offers is another major reason behind its success. As is covered over at runrex.com, this flexibility means that consumers can watch content on-demand on any screen, and the experience is also personalized to individual tastes. This has made it extremely popular among consumers.
Unlimited options
Netflix also offers subscribers unlimited options, which is another reason behind its success. Subscribers, as explained over at guttulus.com, can find a wide range of movies, TV series, shows, performances, and documentaries licensed from distribution partners with new options entering the offer regularly.
Original content
As already mentioned, Netflix now makes its own original content, an investment that has paid off and contributed to its success. Investing in original Netflix content, as articulated over at runrex.com, has helped put Netflix on top of customer-satisfaction surveys, which explains its success.
No ads
There is no denying that people don’t like ads. This is why you probably skip ads the first chance you get on YouTube and why you probably have ad-blocking software installed on your browser. Netflix knows that people enjoy watching TV shows and movies without any interruptions such as annoying ads, which is why it provides an ad-free experience to its subscribers.
It pioneered binger-watching
Before Netflix, we had to wait at least a week before the next installment of our favorite TV show was available to watch. Netflix changed all this in 2016, as explained over at guttulus.com when it decided to put a show’s entire season online at once. This was another way to disrupt the industry and meant that people were no longer watching shows when the networks dictated but were free to watch them whenever they wanted, including all in one sitting. This has contributed to its success as well.
Excellent user experience
Netflix also offers an excellent user experience which has also contributed to its success. As outlined over at runrex.com, some of the excellent user experience provided by Netflix includes custom-created preview videos, a download-and-go feature that allows subscribers to watch shows offline, a 30-day free subscription, and the ability to share your Netflix account.
Netflix knows what movies we watch when we hit play or pause, how many episodes we watch daily, and so much more. Given the amount of data it has, Netflix uses machine learning to automate millions of decisions based on user activities. You, therefore, get accurate recommendations, without which, as explained over at guttulus.com, you would spend a lot of time going through thousands of movies and TV shows.
Availability in multiple regions
One of the important factors helping Netflix increase its subscribers is its availability in over 190 countries. In addition to that, as covered over at runrex.com, the content is personalized similar to its local content. This has led to more and more people subscribing to Netflix, contributing massively to its success.
Ability to share profiles
As already mentioned, Netflix gives subscribers the ability to share their Netflix account to a maximum of 5 people on the purchase of its highest plan. This means that you can share you’re a single Netflix account with your family members and friends, with the separate profile options allowing Netflix to deliver a personalized experience to each. This has also contributed massively to its success.
Netflix’s Attention to pricing all through its history has underpinned its success, from the elimination of late fees to the flat-rate model it employs as covered in detail over at guttulus.com. With one fixed price, you can watch as many movies and TV shows that you want.
Initially, when Netflix purchased the rights to online distribution of films from renowned studios such as Paramount Pictures in 2010 as discussed over at runrex.com, the company still had to compete with strong cable providers in the US. However, this changed with the introduction of successful in-house productions like “House of Cards”, which meant that you had to have a Netflix subscription to watch these shows. This exclusivity was a very powerful sales tool, and it led to more and more people switching from cable to Netflix.
Predictive analysis
Not only does Netflix use data tracking to help with recommendations as already mentioned, but it also uses it to influence future productions. This allows the company to anticipate what subscribers like and then use that information on future production and decisions making as explained over at guttulus.com, another reason behind its success.
In today’s social media world, going viral is something every business always dreams of. Netflix has cracked the code as far as this is concerned, by making it’s content easily sharable and having a consistent and honest brand voice according to the gurus over at runrex.com. Netflix provides content that pairs well with social media, which has helped insert itself into everyday conversations that go on there daily, leading to tremendous success.
Unique products
People don’t like copy-paste content and content that seems to be a carbon-copy of already existing content. Content should be unique and original, which is exactly where Netflix has thrived. The TV shows it produces are very unique and are unlike nothing you will find anywhere else, and it has even brought different perspectives to popular genres such as superhero TV shows. This uniqueness has contributed massively to its success.
As always, if you are looking for more information on this and other related topics, then look no further than the excellent runrex.com and guttulus.com.