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Marketing with Psychology: How to do it

Marketing with psychology: How to do it 

Marketing is a psychological exercise in that marketers always aim to trigger the psychology of the target market into making a purchase. It is all about convincing the mind that what is being offered is bundled in the best package possible. When you are marketing with psychology, a lot has to be considered and it requires meticulous planning. is a platform that has pioneered the art of marketing with psychology and here is a presentation on how to do it effectively.

Target Impulsivity

When targeting impulsivity, the idea is to upsell and offer related products with an attractive price point. With this, you anticipate the action potential clients will take in response to urgency which is purchase the product impulsively.

Appeal to reciprocity

If targeting marketing with psychology, you have to appeal to reciprocity where you do something for your target audience which will make them naturally be inclined to want to do something for you. You may give out an exclusive eBook, handwritten note or a mint with every bill which will make the client want to give something in return which completes the concept of reciprocity.

Use the decoy effect

The decoy aspect is captured when a price point is placed to intentionally direct you to the preferred option. The decoy effect is mainly done on combo deals. Take for instance an online subscription costing $49, print subscription costing $99 and a combo of the online and print subscriptions costing $100. Without the latter, customers will go for the cheaper option but with the third combo option; customers prefer the bundled deal.

People are more receptive to images

Images are usually processed faster than the texts since images only consume a fraction of the time taken to read texts. When marketing with psychology, using images as compared to texts stands as the strategy to adopt.

Concept of scarcity

Takes advantage of the aspect of supply and demand. The idea is to give the perception that due to high demand, there are only a few left of the product or service. “Get 20% discount today only” and “only 3 items left at this price” are statements that make scarce element more valuable. Rare is more appealing in this perspective.

Work with social proof

The target audience will be more receptive to actions and beliefs if they are shared by the people they trust or relate to. Capitalize on the desire to conform and you can target social media with this strategy where you display the number of followers and the number of shares that your content or brand has generated. This will influence others to follow suit.

Foot in the door technique

Free trials that get people using a product followed by the need to upgrade to continue enjoying the experience is what is inferred by Foot in the Door technique. It is a way to get people to adopt a product or service gradually without realizing the catch.

Idea of Anchoring

A client will always base their decision to buy or subscribe to a service on the first piece of information they receive. If a store has always retailed a pair of jeans for $65 and then a customer finds that the same pair of jeans is on sale for $40, the decision to buy is always arrived at faster and to the affirmative. The key is to clearly state the initial price and then quote the reduced price beside it.

Structure the frequency illusion

This is also referred to as Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon and it is where a client first hears of something and suddenly it starts popping up everywhere they look. Selective attention makes the target audience notice a new word, element or product and thereafter the mind unconsciously looks out for that specific element and gets to notice it at every turn.

Utilizing the Verbatim effect

The target audience tends to remember the gist of what you offered them rather than the details of what was being said, the target audience skims through and identifies the highlights and this is what you can capture. “40% Off sale on Tuesday” as a headline is more effective as opposed to “Our store has decided to schedule a Sale to our customers and it will take place on Tuesday where all items will have 40% off”.

Creating a tribe

The beauty of creating a tribe is that you get to also create an “enemy”. Using the social identity theory, you can increase loyalty to a brand and have them view other brands as “lesser” meaning you get to pull in the crowds.

Utilize Priming strategy

Expose your target audience to one stimulus and affect how they will respond to another element. For instance, a word like “Blue” placed before the words “Sky” and “Banana”; people will associate “Blue” with “Sky”. The goal is to make sure your target audience is able to remember aspects about your business and information about your brand to influence their buying decisions.

Make use of Clustering

When it comes to marketing with psychology, the Clustering effect is one of the successful strategies to utilize. The strategy is to design and place your content in clusters that can be easily remembered. You have to group similar topics and elements together so that it becomes easier to remember and organized in a fashion the target audience prefers.

Structure the principle of Loss Aversion

This is very successful when handling freemium elements. You can do this to increase adoption rates for a product. An example is where you Un-gate a feature on your free version and let people use it for a select period of time after which you remove the feature and only offer it to the users who upgrade their subscriptions. This effectively markets your premium package and ensures people upgrade to enjoy the same.

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