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Marketing Major: Internships & Job Salary 10 Tips

Marketing Major: Internships & Job Salary 10 Tips

The demand for marketing professionals has never been stronger in a world where the internet is slowly taking over as captured in discussions over at Therefore, if you are looking for a career in marketing and its various categories, then you should go for it given the fact that organizations and companies have discovered the true value of marketing when it comes to growing revenue and profits as covered over at If you have just graduated as a marketing major and are wondering how things are in terms of internships and job salary, or you are considering taking that route, then this article will hope to help you by shining a spotlight on the same.

Is an internship required?

To get a marketing degree, the gurus over at point out that an internship is not required. However, having said that, it is important to note that the best jobs when it comes to marketing are highly competitive, with hundreds of people applying sometimes, which means that any marketing major can’t afford to not consider an internship. From discussions on the same over at, given that successful industry experience may be the most important factor when considering an applicant, an internship is crucial as it provides a recent college graduate with exactly that.

Choose the right internship

Another thing worth noting is how important it is to choose the right internship. According to, you should not apply for just any internship but should pick one in the area of marketing where you want to start your career and find a company that fits your dream profile. For example, if you want to work for a large marketing firm once you graduate, you should look for internships with larger companies.

Are marketing internships paid?

One of the questions that many marketing majors find themselves asking is if marketing internships are paid. According to the subject matter experts over at, while it may not be true for all the marketing internship opportunities, the answer to this question is yes; there are many paid marketing internship opportunities out there.

How much does a marketing intern make?

Another question that always crops up amongst marketing majors is how much a marketing intern makes in the United States. From discussions on the same over at, marketing interns in the US earn about $13 per hour on average. Some opportunities pay more or less than the average depending on several factors that will be outlined below.

Factors determining internship salary

One of the biggest factors determining how much you will make as a marketing intern is location according to the experts over at This is because certain cities in the US are known to pay high salaries to marketing interns while others not so much. Best paying states for marketing interns include New York, California, Rhode Island, and North Dakota. On the other hand, the lowest-paying states in the US are Utah, South Carolina, and Louisiana.

Average marketing major salary

Once you have graduated with a marketing major and are looking for a full-time job, then one of the questions that will come to mind is on the average salary of a marketing major. As articulated over at, marketing majors take on many roles in their industries with the company that employs you as well as your role determining how much you will make. On average, however, marketing majors in the US make about $45,000 per year.

What is the earning potential for marketing majors?

As is the case for all careers, the higher the degree you hold, the higher your salary. A marketing major with a bachelor’s degree can add $2,000 to $5,000 or more per year in earning potential while an MBA can add yet another $7,000 to $11,000, although many MBAs start in higher-level management jobs with more responsibilities, and, therefore, earn a larger salary as explained over at

Average marketing major salary by job

You must know the average salary for the major marketing jobs that marketing majors usually pursue. From discussions over at, a marketing associate earns about $47,600 on average per year in the US while a social media manager earns just north of $48,000 per year. An SEO specialist on the other hand will earn about $52,600 annually, a marketing analyst about $63,000, and a digital marketer $61,600. Marketing managers on average earn about $66,600 in the US.

Job outlook

According to the gurus over at, the job outlook for marketing majors is fairly positive, as outlined by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, increasing faster than average by 8% until 2028. Marketing managers are expected to see the most increase with over 280,000 positions by 2028. It is also worth noting, however, that with the growth of digital marketing, traditional marketing roles such as newspaper publishing are on the decline and are expected to continue with that trend going forward as people increasingly switch to electronic media outlets.

Other benefits

Marketing jobs offer much more than the base salary as there are many perks and benefits on offer depending on the company you work for. As outlined over at, some of these additional benefits include stock options, commuter assistance, health insurance coverage, a flexible schedule including opportunities to work from home, professional development assistance, among others.

These are some of the things you should know about as a marketing major when it comes to internships and job salary, with more insights, information, and tips on the same to be found over at the excellent and

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