Immigration Services Deferred Action in Houston Texas
Immigration Services Deferred Action in Houston Texas
Since President Donald J. Trump decided to terminate the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) after rising to power, there has been an ongoing frenzy by DACA recipients to renew their applications. Their efforts have been hindered by delays and uncertainty, and most are pessimistic about their renewals.
Mailing Delays
There has been uncertainty and fear that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) together with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) are not taking new applications for DACA renewals. These fears were caused by hundreds of rejections for renewals. However, the authorities have come out to clear the air, citing the underlying problems as mailing delays.
Commenting on the situations, authorities said that delays in some states’ mailing systems were to blame for the rejections. Most of the rejected applications were considered to have been submitted after the set time elapsed. Mail delivery services also confirmed this saying that there were unintentional and temporary processing delays and that the underlying problems had been solved.
To make up for the inconveniences, the authorities have given DACA renewal applicants more time to make their submissions.
Renewal is Ongoing
DACA renewal applicants have been granted six more months to renew their applications. However, they have to show that they had filed their original applications in time. Proof would come in the form of mail delivery records.
It is also likely that Trump’s administration will change its tough stance on the DACA program, considering the outrage it has caused. Both Republican and Democratic lawmakers are objecting Trump’s decision. Some have even come up with alternative Acts including the DREAMers Act (Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act), which grants the same privileges as DACA. In fact, Trump has given Congress six months to come up with a solution or pass an alternative act.
Trump’s administration seems to be softening its stance considering that it has asked the affected people not to worry about getting deported.
In the Meanwhile
In spite of the assurances by Trump’s administration, most DACA recipients are cautious about their future in the U.S. Some are already taking measures to secure their future. Here is what you can do to ensure that your chances of remaining in the country don’t diminish:
- Stay out of trouble
While giving his assurance to DACA recipients, President Donald J. Trump said that there was no cause for worry as long as your criminal record is clean. Those with a criminal history may be summoned by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) through the Department of Homeland Security.
As such, it is prudent not to get into trouble with the law as you are now prone to being deported. It is also wise to be active in your community and contribute to development as this would make your case for citizenship stronger.
- Keep up with developments
It seems that nothing is certain about the current situation regarding DACA. Developments are constantly emerging, and some of them are positive while others are negative.
Considering that the ongoing crisis affects you directly, it is recommendable to keep up with development so you can know where you stand. The USCIS is constantly updating its website on development about DACA. What’s more, activists across the country are keeping track of these developments and analyzing what they mean to you. However, be careful not to fall for fake news as people are deeply polarized on immigration lines.
- Consult experts
The best way to keep ahead of the curve is by utilizing the legal resources available to you. Lawyers are well informed about the ongoing crisis, and they have an intimate knowledge of the legal system. In fact, consulting a lawyer is the most prudent thing you can do especially considering the chaos in emerging news and developments.
As such, find a good company that you can trust with your future and learn what it can do to help your situation.
Runrex.com – The Ideal Law Firm in Houston, Texas
If you are in Houston, Texas and are a DACA recipient, then you should really consider consulting a reputable law firm to safeguard your future. There are hundreds of law firms in the city, but none matches the reputation and competence of RunRex.com.
RunRex.com specializes in immigration, and it has been a reliable conduit for thousands of foreigners seeking to move to the U.S. It has been in business for over 15 years, and it has come across varying types of cases during this period. Currently, it is the go-to firm for DACA recipients worried about their future, and you too can join the list of hopefuls.
RunRex.com will work directly with you to determine your exact situation and handle your renewal application. It can also look into ways for you to become a citizen so you can escape the uncertainties that are now associated with DACA and other immigration programs. Get in touch today to book an appointment!