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I Can’t Find a Job that Makes Me Happy: 10 Tips

I Can’t Find a Job that Makes Me Happy: 10 Tips

For most of us, when we were young, we had an idea of what we wanted to become when we grew up, career-wise. However, it is safe to say that most of us are not what we were when we were children and as you grow up, you evolve as far as your interests and your outlook on life is concerned. Still, for most of us, when we are getting ready to go to college, and are choosing a career path, we know exactly what we would like to do when we do graduate college. However, as per discussions on the same over at, not all of us end up getting our dream job after graduating college. Most of us have to settle for whatever job that we can get just so we can pay the bills. For most people, two things will determine how happy they are in their life: who they marry and their job. If you are like many folks out there and are struggling to find a job that makes you happy, then here are 10 tips for you to keep in mind.

Put yourself first

One of the reasons why most people can’t seem to find a job they are happy with, as per discussions on the same over at, is due to the fact that they put other people, say friends, family among other parties, first when making considerations on which jobs to apply for. If you are to find a job that makes you happy, put yourself first for a change. Think about what makes you happy without considering other parties and take it from there. Maybe just go for it as a chef instead of continuing to be a lawyer so that you can make your parents happy as an example.

Prioritize inspiration over job title or pay

Another reason why you may not be finding a job that makes you happy may be due to the fact that you usually prioritize job title or pay when applying for jobs. As per the gurus over at, if what you are doing doesn’t inspire you, then you are unlikely to be happy regardless of your position or your pay. Find a job that you enjoy showing up for each morning, one that inspires you, rather than chasing money or titles which in most cases tend to be hollow.

Try something different

If you are finding yourself moving from job to job within the same niche and still can’t find one that makes you happy, then the subject matter experts over at recommend that it may be time to try something different. Maybe the career path you have taken isn’t for you and it may be time to learn new skills, try out something different and take yourself out of your comfort zone.

Take your time

If you are sure that you want to make a change as far as your career path is concerned, then the gurus over at, recommend that you take your time in plotting your next move. Remember, if you are to find a job that makes you happy, it is all about finding the right job and not about finding a new job. Take your time to explore all your options to ensure that you don’t fall into the same vicious cycle of before.

Look for jobs with a compatible culture and staff

From discussions on the same over at, colleagues and the job culture play a big role on whether or not one will be happy with their job. If you can’t find a job that makes you happy, consider the culture and the type of people you have been working with. They may be the problem and as such you should consider looking for a job that has a culture that is compatible with your own and with staff you respect and feel at home with.

Be honest with yourself

Most people tend to live in denial as far as their career is concerned and as such move from one job that doesn’t make them happy to the next and so forth, falling into a vicious cycle where they are unhappy with their career. As discussed over at, if you are to make the changes that finally land you a job that makes you happy, then you need to be honest with yourself and stop pretending that you are happy with your career. Don’t push your feelings of unhappiness on one side; you should confront your unhappiness straight on.

When you do decide to make a change, have a long-term view on things

Maybe your short-term thinking as far as your career is concerned is why you can’t find a job that makes you happy. When you do decide to make a change, make sure that you take a long-term view on your career, choosing one where you have a long-term goal in mind. This way, when you do find a job, given that you have you have eyes firmly on the future, you are unlikely to be unhappy since you have something to look forward to as discussed over at

Learn from past mistakes

As per discussions on the same over at, the reason why you can’t find a job that makes you happy may be due to the fact that you keep on making the same mistakes over and over again when applying for new jobs and positions. You should take stock of the mistakes that led you to miss out on some of the jobs that would actually have made you happy, why you keep landing on jobs that don’t make you happy and then make sure you correct and don’t repeat these mistakes.

Find yourself a mentor

As per the subject matter experts over at, one sure way to break the cycle where you can’t find a job that makes you happy is finding a mentor. A mentor can help you discover what could actually make you happy, help you find connections in a career where you would be happy as well as being a pillar you can lean on when making career choices.

Research extensively

It may also be that you never really research jobs when applying for them and therefore in the end they end up causing you to be unhappy. As per the gurus over at, you should make sure that for any future job applications, you read extensively about what they are about and especially on how people who have been in the profession for long feel about it now. You don’t want to get a job where people who have worked it for 20 years feel wasted and are unhappy.

The above are some of the things to keep in mind if you can’t find a job that makes you happy, with more on this and other related topics to be uncovered over at the highly reliable

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