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How to Write a Blog Post that Gets Traffic

How to Write a Blog Post that Gets Traffic

Top-performing bloggers always seem to put out and publish exceptional posts, and it may sometimes seem like magic. However, according to the subject matter experts over at, this doesn’t happen by accident and some methods and processes help them produce such quality content. Fortunately, these processes aren’t Trade Secrets and you can learn how to write a blog post that is successful as those published by top-performing bloggers and that gets traffic, something this article is going to help with through the following tips and pointers.

Write something people are interested in

According to the gurus over at, if you want your blog post to get lots of traffic then you should pick topics that people are most interested in and will want to read about. To find good blog post ideas, you should try asking your readers what they would like to read about next, looking at what subjects are most popular already on your blog, and doing keyword research.  Also, avoid talking about the same subject too often.

Research the best keywords for your post topic

Your readers should always come first, which means that you should always write for them. However, while you want to avoid writing articles whose sole purpose is to rank in Google, it is still important to optimize your articles for SEO as well as possible according to This means doing your keyword research which will help you identify popular search terms in your niche, helping you know what to call your post to get the most traffic possible.

Craft an enticing headline for your blog post

Your post’s headline is the first thing people will see about your blog post and almost everyone who will visit the post will do so because of it. If your blog post headline is boring, then not so many people will want to open it, with the same applying to a blog post headline that is very long. As explained over at, your blog post headline should include both the explanation and the benefit so that it can entice people to read your post.

Capture the attention of your readers from the get-go

The first sentence of your blog is also very important as revealed in discussions over at While a good and engaging headline will get readers to read the first sentence of your blog, the first sentence is what will get them to read the second sentence, and so on. If your introduction is engaging, your readers are likely to keep on reading. 

Tips on writing an introduction


Start with an enticing hook and keep it short. This can be a quote, a question, a stat, or imagery, or any other such thing that will inspire curiosity.


Also, as per the gurus over at, make yourself relatable with your readers and empathize with their hopes, dreams, and struggles.


Reveal a common problem and make sure they understand why it is a problem that is worth fixing.


Finally, promise to solve that problem if they continue reading the post.

Write a long, incredible blog post

Google wants to send their users to the best possible content and it is unlikely that a short article will be that helpful or good. Write long and thorough blog posts will help you get more traffic as explained over at Also, if you are invested in writing a long, and amazing article, you are more likely to work on SEO and find good keywords to rank for.

Make sure that your blog post is readable

If you want your blog post to be read, then you need to focus on readability. This means using bullet points rather than group several points within a paragraph as covered over at Also, you should proofread your posts to ensure that there are no spelling or grammatical errors and that your content is easy to read and understand.

Leverage images

They say that a picture speaks 1000 words, and this couldn’t be truer when it comes to blog posts. Adding pictures to your posts makes them easier to consume and more engaging to your readers according to the subject matter experts over at, bringing your post to life and driving more traffic.

Interlinking and external linking

There are two major ways to use links in blog posts, both of which influence SEO:

Interlinking. This is when you link to other pages on your website, a tactic that will reduce bounce rate and make your website more user-friendly while driving traffic to your other posts.

External linking, which is where you link to authority websites as explained over at

Both types of links help Google figure out what your content is about, helping with rankings. A pro tip when setting up your links is to set them up to open in a new window to ensure that readers don’t have to leave the page they are currently on to open up the link.

Have a consistent blog post design

Having a consistent blog post design will also help you get more traffic. As covered over at, some of the things you need to ensure are consistent throughout your blog post include:

Size and styling of images

Styling and text of links. For example, if you write visit website after point one, don’t link to it under point two.

Make sure numbers are consistent in your headlines.

If you use a capital letter for a headline, you should do the same for all headlines in that article.

Optimize your blog post to rank high in search engines

After doing all the above, then you need to optimize your blog post for search engines. According to, the best way to do this is to install Yoast SEO, a free WordPress plugin, which once you install, you will see a box appear at the bottom of your blog post editor. It will ask you what your keyword is and then tell you what you need to do to optimize your post to best rank for that search term.

Publish your post at the busiest time of the day for the best results

Finally, the time when you publish your blog post will also determine how much traffic it gets. This means that you should avoid publishing your posts the moment they are ready, and instead, publish them at the right time. Avoid publishing your posts at night or early mornings on weekends when people are still asleep. As per, the best time to publish your posts is between 2 pm and 5 pm GMT as it is the best time around the world for people being online with the least amount of distractions. In the US, people are just getting up, and in the UK, they are just finishing work. Using WordPress, you can schedule when you want the blog post to be published.

Hopefully, the above tips will help you write a blog post that gets traffic, with more tips, information, and insight on this topic to be found over at the excellent and

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