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How to Use Images to Boost Website Conversion Rate in Houston Texas

How to Use Images to Boost Website Conversion Rate in Houston Texas

Images do not just add life to a site, they are also quite awesome at improving conversions. In this era, people are not interested in browsing the site. Rather, they want to experience the site. When you use the right type of images, it can help to boost how long people stay and if they convert. If you have been using images and they do not seem to work, here are a few tips that we at RunRex have prepared.

Appeal to Emotions

Most purchasing decisions are based on emotions; if they get the right feeling, they will make the purchase. The same rules apply to images. If an image causes a positive emotion in the viewer, they will convert. It is important that you convey the right emotion for the right product.

Use a mascot

You may have noticed that the site you love most usually has a tiny cartoon. Mascots are quite popular these days. Most sites use them for branding purposes. These mascots help to create a bond with visitors. In mind of the visitor, it leads to a strong positive image about the site.

Ensure the images have a human touch

If you want to boost site conversion, ensure that there are human faces on your site. The faces help to draw the visitor to certain areas of the site. Even if you sell things such as furniture, ensure that there is a human figure in the image. Such sites usually convert more.

Think outside the box

Modern technology allows you to do almost anything. The only limitation in this era is your imagination. People are always on the hunt for something different, even when they go online. Make it your duty to ensure that your site screams different.

Show some validation

If you have watched a TV commercial, you will see random people praising a product. The reason they work is that people love validation. For them to purchase a product, they want to see that it makes others happy. This is because they do not want to make a mistake in their purchase. When they see someone else enjoying a product, it convinces them.

If you post pictures on your site of happy customers, it will increase your conversion. This is something natural, which will never change. These images combined with some testimonials could do wonders for the conversion.

Make the images about them, not you

One secret to making better conversions is making the site about customers. The customer does not care about you or your products; it is making it about them. When they reach your site, show them that they are doing the right thing. Make the experience experiential for them and they will convert.

Do not use poor stock photos

The web 1.0 era of using old and generic stock photos is gone. We are now in the social age of the World Wide Web. People of today understand the internet better, they do not look at sites as they used to.

Even if you decide to use stock photos, ensure that you use high-quality ones. In some cases, you might have to pay more for the images but it will be worth it. If you choose stock photos that look obvious, your conversion rate will be quite low. In fact, people will just bounce from your site.

In essence, avoid using any photos that look cheesy. Take time or even use a small team to pick the right stock photo. It helps to add real substance to the site and increase the value of your products in the mind of the customer.

Use larger images

Most sites have discovered that if they increase the size of images, their conversion rates grow by about 30%. When you use bigger images, it will mean most of the content has to be pushed to the bottom. However, it has been shown that most people do not read the text anyway.  Most e-commerce stores already understand this. No matter what product you are selling, bigger images sell more.

Utilize a trust badge

A trust badge may be just a small image but it can have a huge impact on the site. The reality is that internet fraud is on the rise. Thus, customers need to feel secure. Whenever they see that badge, it will boost their confidence in purchasing something from you. A time-tested practice is that when customers trust you, they are most likely to spend on you and spend more.

Remember to test the changes

The tips above are a great way to boost your conversion rate. However, if you decide to implement any of them, be sure to run A/B tests. There is software out there that will let you do these tests such as Google Website Optimizer. After you are done testing, check the data and see which combination works for you.

RunRex and image Utilization

RunRex operate in the digital marketing sphere. They have been in the field for quite a while, and they understand how images can help to boost your conversion rate. If you have a site, you should trust them with it to grow the conversion rate. This way, you can spend more of your time growing the quality of products and services on your site.

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