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How to Ship Your Golf Club to California?

How to Ship Your Golf Club to California?

Whether it is your first time golfing in California or you are a club member at one of the fine golf clubs located there, you should keep these tips in mind. The shipping experts at RunRex have been helping people ship clubs there for a long time. They know what tips could help to make your club shipping flawless. 

1.    Book a Round Trip for Shipping clubs

If you are going for a golfing vacation in California, you should make use of the round trip option that companies such as RunRex offer. It will help to make your club shipping easy. You will not have to waste any time booking the shipping of your clubs back home. That way, you can spend all your time planning your trip to and from the golf club. 

2.    Check the Golf Club’s Schedule

Some golf clubs are usually closed on certain days of the month. Thus, it is important you ensure that will be open on the day on which you plan to ship your clubs. Some of the golf courses are usually closed for maintenance and during that time, their members of staff are not around. It can be quite stressful if your golf clubs arrive and there is no one there to receive them. There is a good chance of then being lost. 

3.    Just Use Your Golf Bag

There are people who think that you need a shipping box to ship your clubs. However, that is not true. Most shipping companies will accept to ship your clubs in their golf bag. If you own a golf bag, it can be a great way to save money. Although you will not save much, nay amount that you can save on your shipping is money that you can use to have fun on your vacation. 

4.    Check if the Course Accepts Shipments

Some golf clubs will accept golf clubs, but only if you pay for the holding. At some clubs, the golf club shipment will not be accepted unless you are there to receive them in person. It is very important that you make a call to inquire about the policy of the golf club where you will stay. At some golf clubs, you will have to confirm that you are expecting a package before they can accept it. A simple phone call will help clear the air on these issues. 

5.    Track Your Clubs

Most golf clubs shipping companies will allow you to track your clubs online. That way, you can tell if your clubs are headed in the right direction. It can also help to reduce some of the anxiety that is associated with making any shipment. Once you confirm that your golf clubs have arrived, you can plan for other aspects of the trip without any anxiety. 

6.    You Can Reschedule Your Pickup 

Sometimes, delays could mean that your clubs are not ready, as you had earlier indicated. In such an instance, it is important that you reschedule the pickup. That way, you will not inconvenience the golf shipping company. In some instances, you may incur some fines if they find that your clubs are not ready for pickup. All you would have to do is call the golf shipping company in good time. Companies such RunRex have reliable customer service. They will adhere to your request. 

7.    Do Not Forget the Shipping Label

The shipping label contains information of where the golf shipping company will deliver your clubs. It is important that this label be protected from the elements. One way of doing so is to cover it with wrapping tape. That way, even if it is splashed with some water, it will not become illegible. It is also important that you include another shipping label on the inside of your package. The shipping label on the inside acts as a backup in case the external one falls off. 

8.    Ensure that Your Clubs are Properly Protected

During shipping, the clubs will be rattled around quite a bit. It is thus important that you provide proper padding for them. One way of doing so is by using bubble wrap. Use as much of it as you think is necessary to protect your clubs. Bubble wrap is quite light and it will not make a significant difference in the weight of your shipment. You should ensure that each club is wrapped in bubble wrap. 

Besides that, all the clubs should be wrapped together in bubble wrap and bound together using tape. It will ensure that the clubs are not bumping into each other during shipping, which can cause them to be mangled. 

9.    Check the Shipping Options

Shipping companies offer to ship your clubs overnight or within a period of five days. Keep in mind that the lesser the window of shipping, the higher the costs. Thus, it is important for you to plan your trip early. That way, you avoid being hit with the high costs of last minute shipping. The money you save can be used for other aspects of you golfing vacation to increase the fun. 

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