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How to Ship Your Golf Club Overnight?

How to Ship Your Golf Club Overnight?

Have you ever shipped a package only to find that it had been crushed, crinkled, or mangled? If you have, then you know that it quite important for you to be careful about how you ship anything. experts, who have been in the golf club shipping business for years, have prepared this guide. It should help you to know what is needed for you to ship your clubs overnight. 

1.    Be Informed

It is important that you know as much possible about the shipping price increases. Shipping costs change often and what you may have paid last time may not apply this time. There are many places where you can find this information. The primary source of your information should be the site of the company that you will use to ship your clubs. It allows coming up with a good budget for your trip. 

2.    Remove any Other Shipping Labels

If you are reusing an old box, you are definitely trying to save money. However, it could end disastrously for you if you do not get rid of old bar codes and shipping labels. It is important to do that since your package may end up finding its way to the wrong place. At the least, it could lead to some confusion. The shipping company may delay shipping your package, which may create some problems for you such as scheduling activities at the golf course. If you cannot remove the labels, consider blotting them out with a marker or something else.  

3.    Get a Free Box

If you do not have shipping bag, you will have to pack your clubs inside a shipping box. Most major shippers provide free shipping boxes. However, it will depend on the dimensions of your package. If you are shipping too many golf clubs, you may have to purchase your own box. Some of the shipping companies even allow you to order a box online. 

However, you have to be careful about the size of the box you order. If the box is too tiny, you may not be able to fit in enough padding material for your clubs. If the box is too large, you may incur a huge shipping cost because of the dimensions of your package.  

4.    Be Careful When Choosing the Tape

The sealing tape used for shipping is built to be durable and tough. It is important that you look for the right kind carefully. The tape is usually two inches thick and is graded 60-lbs and above. Avoid using regular masking tape or scotch tape. Neither is strong enough and it could rip apart during shipping. 

However, you should avoid using duct tape. Most major shipping companies advise against the use of this tape. There is no specific reason that they give. However, since they are the shipping pros, it would be a good idea to heed their advice. Additionally, avoid using strings or rope to secure the package. It can be caught on equipment, which could mangle the package.

5.    Be Careful About Using Crumpled Newspapers 

Many people often use crumpled newspapers as cushioning materials. However, it is important that you are careful about how you use them. Sometimes, they ink can bleed off onto your clubs. Thus, if you insist on using newspapers, you should consider wrapping the clubs with wrapping paper. 

6.    Place a Business Cards inside Your Package

The business card should contain your contact information. It ensures that your package will be delivered even when your outer label falls off. If you do not have a business card, you can simply make a copy of the shipping label and place it inside the shipping box or bag. 

7.    Check the Schedule

Even to this day, most shipping companies have delays when packages are being shipped from remote areas. In some instances, the overnight shipping only applies to areas that are within the cities. If your package is going to a remote area, ensure that it will alive in god time. Do not take ‘overnight shipping’ at face value. The package still has to physically delivered to where you want it, which might be affected by the remoteness. 

8.    Make Use of the Tracking Services

All reliable shippers of golf clubs offer a tracking service free. In addition, some of them even let you track packages via a mobile device. You can get updates about the progress of your package via a phone. All you need to use such a service is a tracking number. 

With such information, you can plan for other aspects of your trip such as the clothes you will wear and other activities in which you will partake. Some shipping companies even provide you with e-mail updates. When your package arrives at its destination, you will receive an alert. 

9.    Beware of the Holidays

Most shipping companies will not deliver packages during the holidays. For instance, you should check the schedule if you are trying to ship on Thanksgiving or any other major holiday. Always ask the shipping company if you must ship during the holidays. It helps to avoid inconveniencing anyone. 

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