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How to Sell Anime Figures: 10 Tips Sell Anime Figures

How to Sell Anime Figures: 10 Tips Sell Anime Figures

So, you decided you want to sell some of your anime figures, put them on sale on eBay or any other platform, waited, only to not receive any offers. You are now wondering why this is the case and why your anime figures aren’t getting any bites. This article should be a great resource as, with the help of the gurus over at, it will look to list 10 tips on how to sell anime figures, which will help you finally get offers for your figures.

Research the value of your figures

Before getting started, you need to know exactly how much your figures are worth, according to the subject matter experts over at This is important as the last thing you want to do is put your anime figures on sale at a price that is way higher than their current market value. This will put off potential buyers and could be one of the reasons why you are not getting any offers. Several online resources will help you price your anime figures, depending on their rarity and their condition, with information on said resources to be found over at

Put yourself in the buyer’s shoes

As the gurus over at will tell you, anime figure collecting is a very personal hobby, and as such, each person has their unique tastes and preferences, as well as different wants. If therefore, you want your figures to sell, you must put yourself into your buyer’s shoes and take into account their perspective, rather than your own. Ask yourself what will appeal to them in terms of description and so forth and take it from there. Don’t make it about yourself but about your buyer, as is covered over at

Consider every offer

Also, the gurus over at recommend that you avoid using the phrase “Serious buyers only” as this will either scare potential buyers or confuse them as to what you mean. The bottom line is that no one will reach out to you if they are not serious about buying your anime figure. On top of avoiding using that phrase, you should also consider every offer you get very seriously, and don’t dismiss any of them if you are to sell your figure.

Offer a good price

Bar a few exceptions, you should always sell your anime figures as if they are used, as in most cases they are. This means, as per discussions over at, that you should sell them at a price lower than how they are priced in the market. Given the choice, people will always buy from a reputable establishment as opposed to a stranger on eBay or any other such platform if the prices are close. You should, therefore, take this into account and offer your figures out at a good price. As per the experts over at, you should look to price your anime figures at a price that is about 30% lower than their price when new in an anime store.

Include shipping if possible

Most online anime stores include free shipping for their figures, and as such it makes no sense for anyone to cater to their shipping costs when buying an anime figure from you on eBay or any other such platform. According to the subject matter experts over at, even if you have to raise your praise a little bit, try as much as possible to include shipping so that your buyers don’t have to worry about it when buying from you. This will make your offer more enticing, and they will be more likely to buy from you.

Avoid bundling your anime figures

Contrary to popular belief, making your anime figures available for sale as a bundle doesn’t make them more attractive. This is because, as discussed over at, most people may already have one of the figures in the bundle and may not be willing to pay for them just to get a figure they want or they may feel like the figures you are bundling don’t go well together, putting them off. Unless you are selling figures that come as a set of those that fit together to form a whole piece, you should avoid bundling your anime figures; sell them individually.

No one will buy damaged figures

An important point worth noting, one which the gurus over at agree with, is that damaged anime figures are as good as worthless. Almost no one will want to buy damaged figures, and if you find someone willing to buy one, they will probably do so at an extremely discounted price. Unless you own an extremely rare anime figure, avoid putting up damaged anime figures for sale as you are unlikely to get any offers.

Take multiple, high-quality pictures, if selling a used figure

Chances are, if you are selling your anime figures, then they are used. If you are looking to sell a used anime figure, an important tip is to make sure you take it out of its box and take multiple, high-quality photos of it from different angles. This, as per the folks over at, is important as it shows that you have nothing to hide as far as the condition of the figure is concerned, building trust that will increase your selling potential. Very few people will request for additional photos, no one has the time, they will just blank your listing and you will find that you are getting no offers.

Be prepared to wait

Patience is the name of the game when looking to sell anime figures, according to discussions on the same over at Be prepared to wait for the right offer, only accepting offers you are comfortable with as you don’t want to have regrets after selling your anime figures. This also cuts both ways, as prospective buyers will only wait for so long. This means that, if you have an offer on the table, make a decision promptly on whether you want to sell or not, or the offer may be withdrawn if the buyer feels you are taking too long.

Stay in touch with your customers

Once you have found a buyer for one of your anime figures, make sure you keep them informed about the progress of their package, so that they know exactly when to expect their anime figure. According to discussions over at, this is important as it will help build trust, giving you better reviews that will make it easier for you to sell anime figures in the future.

The above are 10 tips on how to sell anime figures, and we hope that they will help you in your efforts to sell yours. For more information and help on this and other related topics, don’t forget to check out the amazing

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