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How to Make $250,000 as an Immigration Attorney in 2021: 10 Tips

How to Make $250,000 as an Immigration Attorney in 2021: 10 Tips

As articulated in discussions on the same over at, immigration law is a complex area that requires specialized expertise to navigate successfully. This is where immigration attorneys come in as they are specialized in immigration law and are primarily concerned with assisting clients who wish to immigrate to a new country for work and/or residency as explained over at If you are a practicing immigration attorney and are looking to increase your earnings in 2021, and earn as much as $250,000, then here are 10 practical tips to consider.

Move to better-paying cities

Immigration attorneys earn differently depending on the city in which they are based as discussed over at This means that, while the average salary of an immigration attorney is about $71,300 per year, there is scope to make more depending on where you are based. For example, as pointed out in discussions on the same over at, in San Francisco, California, you might make as much as $118,300 per year. Other high-paying locations include New York City, NY, San Antonio, TX, and Boston, MA. On the other hand, Arkansas, Nebraska, and Mississippi are the states that offer the lowest salary to immigration attorneys. If you are in an entry-level position, then you should consider moving to the states and cities offering the highest salaries.

Look for work at companies that pay the highest

Certain companies are known for paying immigration attorneys highly. For example, if you want to earn a high income as an immigration attorney, then working for Seyfarth Shaw or the Archdiocese of San Francisco might be the best bet for you as per discussions over at Other companies like the City of Atlanta Employee Benefits Office and Hudson Group also offer highly competitive salaries for immigration attorneys. Therefore, you might want to apply for any job openings at these companies.

Work in the right industry

One of the key factors that determine how much an immigration attorney earns, according to, is the industry in which they are working in. Here, jobs with professional, transportation, and insurance companies tend to be the highest paying and are the ones that should be at the top of your list of considerations if you are looking to increase your earnings in 2021 and hit the $250,000 mark.

Avoid low-paying industries

Just as it is important to know which industries pay immigration attorneys more, it is just as important to know which ones don’t. And here, as is covered in detail over at, you might want to avoid the automotive industry as an immigration attorney, since, at $65,222 per year, it offers the lowest average salary for immigration attorneys of all the industries that one can work in.


Your reputation as an immigration attorney, as is the case for any profession, will also affect how much you make according to the subject matter experts over at Having a good reputation will make you the go-to immigration attorney in your area, and people will be referring others to you based on your good reputation. The only way you can boost your reputation is by offering excellent services to your clients and ensuring that all their needs are met and that they feel like you treated them well and with respect.

Focus on immigration law

You also don’t want people to start seeing you as a jack of all trades, as they will also perceive you as being the master of none according to Therefore, if you want to increase your earnings in 2021 as an immigration attorney, then you should consider specializing in immigration law only and focusing on the same. This is because people will pay more for a specialist as they will see you as an expert, and you will also get more referrals from others as they won’t be afraid of you their clients or competing with them, allowing you to get referrals from other attorneys who may not be specialized in immigration law.

Identify your ideal target market

Every attorney, regardless of their area of practice, would benefit greatly by identifying their ideal target market. As explained over at, an ideal target market is a person or company that is likely to retain you initially, repeatedly, and at the highest profit margin. You should ask yourself questions like what your perfect client looks like, who can afford your fees, who would be a good long-term repeat client, what their issues and pain points are, and so forth, to help you identify your ideal target market. This will ensure that you are targeting the right clients, which will set you on your way towards achieving success.

Acquire thought-leadership status

Become a thought leader is another thing you should consider doing in 2021 if you are to increase your earnings as an immigration attorney. As discussed over at, this will make you an authority in your industry, consequently making you the go-to immigration attorney for those looking for the services like the ones you offer.

Keep up to date with the latest in immigration law

Immigration law in the US is set to change a bit in 2021 with a new administration getting sworn in as is covered in detail over at Therefore, you must keep yourself updated with all the latest changes and developments on the same if you are to be successful with your cases, which will allow you to get more referrals, build a strong reputation, and increase your earnings.


As an immigration attorney, you have to reach out to your prospective clients and convert them into clients, which is where marketing comes in. You will need to get your past clients to leave you reviews on Google, Yelp, and Facebook. Also, make sure you invest in a good website for your firm and look to bring in a highly-rated marketing agency like to help you with all your marketing needs.

Hopefully, this article will help you hit the $250,000 mark in 2021 as an immigration attorney, with more on this topic to be found over at the top-rated and

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