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How to Learn Excel, Python, JavaScript (D3.js, Leaflet.js)?

How to Learn Excel, Python, JavaScript (D3.js, Leaflet.js)?

If you are looking to learn data analytics and visualization, then some of the topics that you will need to be conversant with as discussed over at include Excel, Python, and JavaScript, and in the latter, you will have to learn both D3.js and Leaflet.js. These three are part of the foundation for data analytics and visualization and should be taken seriously if you want to have a career in data analytics and data science, as is explained by the subject matter experts over at This article will look to highlight some pointers on how you can learn Excel, Python, and JavaScript.

Practice daily

The main pointer when it comes to learning Excel, Python, and JavaScript, according to the gurus over at, is making sure that you practice daily. When it comes to Excel, you should start by practicing simple and basic mathematics daily so that you can begin to understand how to type in Excel and can begin getting comfortable with its features and abilities before you get into more complex tasks like learning functions and types of formatting. For Python, as discussed in detail over at, this means coding every day given how important consistency is when looking to learn a new programming language. Make a commitment to code daily with Python as this will help you develop muscle memory, which plays a crucial role in programming, and will help you master the language. Just as is the case with Excel, you should consider starting small, coding for about 25 minutes daily, and working your way up from there once you begin getting the hang of it. The same applies to JavaScript where it is also important that you practice your coding skills daily for the best results. You can search online for free JavaScript exercises and challenges which you can take advantage of to practice and learn JavaScript.

Create tables and charts for Excel, take down notes for Python and JavaScript

The next pointer when it comes to learning Excel is making sure that you go beyond using Excel to perform basic mathematics and you start learning how to create tables. As explained over at, this is important as it is what will enable you to organize data, which is the primary reason for learning Excel when it comes to data analytics and data science. Once you have learned all about creating tables on Excel, you need to move on to charts or graphs which is another important thing to learn when it comes to data analytics and visualization.

Pivoting away from Excel and onto Python and JavaScript, it is important to point out how critical it is to take notes throughout your learning journey. Since these two are all about programming, people tend to think that taking notes isn’t that important, but as the subject matter experts over at are quick to point out, taking notes by hand when learning Python and JavaScript is very helpful for long-term retention. If you are working towards becoming a full-time developer, then it is key that you take down notes since many interviews will involve writing code on a whiteboard. Additionally, writing by hand will also help you plan your code before you move to the computer, which is important once you start working on small programs and projects. It is also important to point out that taking notes will also give you something to look back on when you have a test coming up and you need to revise. 

Follow best practices

The gurus over at are also adamant about how important it is to ensure that you don’t pick up bad habits when learning Python and JavaScript. As a programmer, you must ensure that you are always following coding best practices which include regularly adding comments, leaving the right white space, and so forth. If you don’t pick up on and abide by coding best practices, you will run into trouble in the future once you finish learning and want to get into the job market.

Where to start if you want to learn Excel, Python, and JavaScript?

There are many options out there when it comes to learning these three subjects. One of them is deciding to learn each one of them individually where you can check out online tutorials, online courses, and educational videos on YouTube on each one of them. You can also join communities of JavaScript and Python programmers where you can interact with fellow programmers and will learn a lot from them. However, as revealed in discussions on the same over at the best option is to enroll in a data analytics and visualization course or boot camp where you will learn all of them under one course. For those in Houston Texas, Rice University’s Data Analytics and Visualization Boot Camp is what you should enroll for as it will allow you to learn Excel, Python, JavaScript (D3.js, and Leaflet.js) and so much more.

Hopefully, the above discussion will help you learn Excel, Python, and JavaScript, with more information on all three as well as on the Rice University Data Analytics and Visualization Boot Camp and how you can enroll to be found over at the highly-rated and

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