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How to Integrate SEO and PPC Together to 13X Your Sales

How to Integrate SEO and PPC Together to 13X Your Sales

Think of SEO and PPC are two edges of the same sword. If you sharpen one edge and neglect the other, you will not enjoy maximum performance. This analogy holds true given that a polished SEO-PPC mix can activate exponential results, more than when each is used individually as surveys, most notably one carried out by Adept, have proven.

In light of this, shrewdness would demand that you integrate both to reap optimally and that is precisely what this article will enlighten you on.

Bridge the SEO time gap

Implementing an SEO strategy, no matter how good an expert you are, takes time. If you are into e-commerce depending solely on SEO, for instance, your earnings will be negligible during the SEO implementation period, yet the enterprise’s sustenance cost will still be present.

PPC offers an ideal solution. By concurrently implementing an aggressive PPC campaign, you will bridge the time gap and generate traffic and income as your SEO efforts start bearing fruit. As the SEO gains momentum, you can then tone down your PPC as you seek the sweet spot that will give you the best of both worlds.

Maximize visibility

Even after your SEO efforts are successful and you organically rank first for a particular search term, the first three results in SERPs are almost always PPC ads. This is to say that though you can rank ‘first’ through SEO; technically, you will hardly ever rank first thanks to PPC ads that will always outrank you.

To get the best out of both, work on SEO while running a PPC campaign based on the same keywords. This way, you will dominate both the ad space in SERPs and the organic results. This will translate to increased visibility and higher traffic.

Utilize PPC data to make data-backed SEO decisions

PPC, through analytics, returns deeper and higher quality insights on audiences and how they interact with your ads. Assuming you are using similar keywords for both PPC and SEO, the insights gleaned via PPC reports will help you narrow down on optimization tactics usable in upgrading your organic content for maximum SEO value.

Put in another way, PPC data will help you understand your target demographic better, and you can put this knowledge to work in both advancing your SEO and PPC approach.

More data

By running two types of campaigns, you will collect more data which will result in more insights which will help you understand your audience quicker and intimately. All you have to do, then, is analyze this data to arrive at actionable steps applicable to your case that can spike your sales.

Achieve dominance

It is hard – almost impossible – to achieve PPC dominance across a wide selection of search terms. PPC comes in handy in this regard by making it possible to obtain some level of presence over keywords that you rank poorly in organically.

Thus, if you rank highly for ‘boys’ shoes’ than for ‘ladies’ shoes’ yet you sell both, PPC can help you gain ground on the low ranking keywords thereby enabling you to impel sales.

Damage control

PPC is a convenient PR tool, more so than SEO since SEO takes a bit more time to come into effect. Hence, PPC provides a way to quickly arrest negative PR situations thanks to its immediacy. BP best demonstrated this during the Gulf oil spill.

At that time, everyone was speaking ill of BP, and there was a lot of interest over what the company was doing to remedy the situation. To direct public attention towards the cleanup efforts, BP launched an aggressive PPC/SEO campaign such that any search term with the terms ‘oil spill’ prompted an ad or curated content highlighting BP’s cleanup undertakings.

Test SEO specifics

When faced with indecision on an SEO related issue or technicality, you can test it out briefly using PPC to determine whether it works or not. Testing titles, keywords, headlines and meta tags organically, can take a lot of time and PPC offsets this disadvantage.

Build a strong social media presence

Social media presence substantially influences organic ranking. It is almost impossible to get to the first spot, especially for popular keywords, without a strong social media footprint.

PPC helps the cause by offering a paid method to increase your social media presence, which in turn drives your organic ranking. More than that, social-media-focused PPC can help uncover useful audience perceptions that AdWords may not provide.

Capitalize on in-site search data

What people search on your site points at the keywords they are likely to use in search engines. In view of this, pay close attention to the in-site search terms and target them both through PPC and SEO after doing further research.

As long as your mentality is right and you see SEO and PPC as two sides of the same coin, you will uncover other ways to integrate the two to suit your purposes. Keep in mind that there is always more to learn on the subject, and to that end, frequent authoritative sites on the same such as

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