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How to Improve Interview Skills: 10 Tips

How to Improve Interview Skills: 10 Tips

Your strong resume and determination may have got you the interview you have always wanted, but your interview skills are what will seal the deal for you and land you the job as captured in discussions on the same over at If you ask hiring managers out there, they will tell you that most of the time they end up hiring candidates on the back of their interview performance even though they may not have come into the interview as favorites for the position. It is all about convincing the interviewer that you are the right fit as discussed over at This article will look to help you with that by highlighting 10 tips on how to improve your interview skills.

Do your research

With the resources available out there, checking out prospective employers online has never been easier according to the gurus over at If you want to improve your interview skills, make a habit of researching the company and position you are interviewing for beforehand. Check out the company’s website and social media pages. Also, if you know who will be interviewing you, you should do your due diligence on them as well and find out what they are about as discussed over at If you go to an interview armed with such information, you will come across as being well-prepared, organized, and passionate about the company and position, which will improve your interview performance no doubt.

Watch your body language

When you are in an interview, it is all about demonstrating confidence. Your body language, as discussed over at, will let the interviewer know just how confident you are. You want to stand or sit up straight, make eye contact, and connect with a firm handshake. Avoid slouching on your sit, crossing your hands across your chest, or tapping your fingers or foot as such body language depicts nerves and apprehension.

Dress for success

It is also important to dress appropriately when going for an interview. Companies now have different dress codes, which is why you should find out beforehand so that you can dress appropriately. A quick phone call to HR will allow you to know the dress code of the company you are interviewing for. However, as the gurus over at are quick to point out, even if a casual dress code is operational at the company you are interviewing for, you must choose the smartest possible outfit. 


An important tip that will help you improve your interview skills is listening. Learn to listen. As discussed over at, right from the start of the interview, your interviewer will be giving you information, either directly or indirectly. It is important to listen to attentively and consider each question before answering. Let the interviewer know that you heard what was said by nodding your head as they talk. Observe them and match their style and pace.

Don’t be too talkative

As is outlined over at, you should only answer what you have been asked, and avoid rambling on unnecessarily. Telling the interviewer more than what they need to know could end up damaging your prospects badly. Rambling is usually a sign that you have not prepared adequately for the interview, and interviewers know that which is why you should avoid it by making sure you come to your interview well prepared.

Don’t be too familiar

As the experts over at are quick to point out, the interview is a professional setting and you are there to talk business and not to make a new friend. Remember, you should always follow the interviewer’s lead, and make sure that your level of familiarity mimics the interviewer’s demeanor. While it is important to bring enthusiasm and energy to your interview and to ask questions, you don’t want to overstep your place as a candidate looking for a job.

Don’t be arrogant

Just like you don’t want to be too familiar with the interviewer, you also don’t want to come out as being cocky or arrogant. As is covered over at, attitude plays a crucial role in the success of your interview. You should always remember that there is a fine line between confidence and arrogance. While you want to demonstrate your ability and show why you are the best fit for the job, remember that overconfidence is just as bad, if not worse, than being too reserved. Arrogance and cockiness are a big turn off for interviewers as it shows that you may be unpleasant to work with and may run co-workers the wrong way.

Watch your language

According to the subject matter experts over at, it is important to gear your language to the workplace culture in operation and ensure your professionalism and suitability for this role is highlighted. If the company is looking for someone technical and the interviewer is highly knowledgeable on the subject, then you can include technical aspects in your language. Also, if some certain processes or skills would be known by experts in this area, you should mention them, although you should avoid mentioning buzzwords for the sake of mentioning them. If you are prone to swearing, then you need to watch yourself so that you don’t end up doing so in your interview.

Don’t appear desperate

As is revealed in discussions on the same over at, you also want to avoid coming off as desperate in your interview. This is because, if you interview with a “please, please hire me” attitude, then you appear less confident in your abilities and yourself. Remember, you want to come off as being confident in your interview, not desperate.

Ask questions

Another tip that will help you improve your interview skills is making sure that you prepare and ask questions during interviews. According to, part of knowing how to interview is being ready to ask questions that demonstrate an interest in what the company is all about while also allowing you to find out if this is the right place for you. Here, you should listen to what you have been asked during the interview and ask for additional information when asked if you have any questions.

Remember, if you need more information on this topic or help to prepare for your interview, then the top-rated and have got you covered.

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