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How to Hit Down on the Golf Ball – Top 15 Tips

How to Hit Down on the Golf Ball – Top 15 Tips

At first glance, it does not seem like it makes much sense to hit down on the ball. However, there a few technical aspects of golf that you have to take into account. The clubface of an iron is sloped. This means that when it makes contact with the ball, it compresses it. Here at RunRex, we have decided to take some time to explain this concept further. That way, you can improve your game. 

  1. Tilt your body weight forward

Tilt the body forward in the same way you would when chipping. With the body weight shifted so much forward, you are guaranteed of being able to hit down on the ball. 

  1. Maintain posture

Hitting down on the ball is more than just the ball making contact with the club face. It is a motion that starts from the moment you set up. Key to hitting down on the ball is the shoulders. You must consciously learn to avoid dipping the shoulders as you go in for the shot. Once you master how to keep shoulders square, it will become quite easy. 

  1. Learn to relax

If you think about it too consciously, it is going to affect your entire shot. If you are thinking about it too much, you will end up taking huge, deep divots. Eventually, you will hardly be able to give the ball any distance. 

  1. Change the ball position

Instead of focusing on changing your stance, thinking of moving the ball slightly back or forward in your stance. After some time practicing, you will eventually find your sweet spot. This might take you a lot of time, but it is a proven method of success. 

  1. Practice with two tees

Place your golf between two tees, leaving just enough space for the club face. Practice how to hit the ball without touching these tees. With time, you will find it easy to hit down and through the shot. 

  1. The ball should be placed in the middle of the stance

When you place the ball in this position, it helps to ensure that your club strikes the ball before it gets to the bottom of the swing arc. You can try placing the ball in other positions and see how hard it will be to strike the ball. 

  1. Do not rush

On the downswing take your sweet time and do not try to hurry to get to the ball. When you do this, you will change the tilt of your spine. As a result, this will ruin your attempt to hit down on the ball. 

  1. Loosen your grip near the ball

When your hands get to the position of the ball, loosen your grip. When you do this, it helps you to avoid lifting the ball. Instead, you can compress it. 

  1. Ensure the bottom edge of the clubface is parallel to the ground

You can do this by doing a mock swing. This will help you see whether the bottom edge of the clubface remains parallel. 

  1. Note the club shaft’s angle to the ground

You should remember this as you come down for the downswing. You want to ensure that it does not change. Thus, you are able to compress the ball just as you had planned. 

  1. Look for an iron of the right size

If the iron is too short or too long, you will not be able to get the right amount of tilt. If it is too long, you will not be able to tilt your spine enough. 

  1. Get a custom club fitting

If you really want to learn how to hit down on the ball, you should look to be fitted with a custom iron. This iron is designed specifically for your gait. It may cost a lot initially, but it will pay off on the golf course. 

  1. Turn your hips towards the target

Instead of simply turning your upper torso, the entire body needs to shift. This helps to avoid messing up your perfectly square shoulders. As you turn to make contact with the ball, shift all your weight to the left foot. It helps you to ensure you do not interfere with the tilt of your spine. 

  1. Practice in front of a mirror

While you might think you are swinging perfectly, a mirror can help you see whether that is the case. Just position yourself in front of a mirror with your iron and slowly make a swing motion. You will clearly see at what point you are diverting from the swing needed to hit down on the ball. 

  1. Talk to a professional trainer

On your next vacation, you should consider taking golfing lessons. The trainer will take you through the motions. He or she will observe your motion and help you see what you are doing wrong. 

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