If you are keen on succeeding in online marketing, then by all means you need to get more followers on social media platforms and Twitter to be specific. Since it is among the top 5 websites visited daily, Twitter presents an incredible opportunity to market and promote your business online. There are millions of active users on Twitter these are potential customers, clients and potential business partners. The only way to reach out to these masses however, is to ensure that you have a decent number of followers on the platform. There is no way you can expect to market your business on Twitter if you only have a handful of followers who are classmates, workmates and maybe relatives. You need more followers from all walks of life to increase your chances of landing opportunities.
There are very many ways people use to earn followers on Twitter but most of them are unscrupulous and don’t add value to them or their business. People have gone as far as creating bots that automatically award you thousands of followers on Twitter. On paper, it will look like you have thousands of followers but in real life you only have a few hundreds of real active followers and the rest are imaginary people who don’t exist. This is not what you want as an online marker. You want active followers who you can interact with every day. Earning such followers can be an incredibly hard task especially if you are not popular. It will take lots of time and patience before the numbers grow. We talked to a social media and SEO expert- Tony Guo- who has been marketing online and in social media for close to ten years and he provided insightful tips on how to earn online followers. Here are 10 tips on how to earn more followers on Twitter as provided by Tony Guo;
1. Follow your friends and family first
The first people that you will want to follow on Twitter are the people you know in real life. Follow all your classmates, workmates, relatives and close compatriots. They will all follow back and you will have a decent following to start with.
2. Tweet about your location
This is a secret that very many people don’t know yet. Just consistently tweet about your local area, town, school or state. People from the same region will follow you if they find your tweets positive.
3. Mention brands you love
The other simple way of earning followers on Twitter is to tweet about the brands you love. People who go online searching for those brands will see your tweets and will follow you if they find your tweets helpful.
4. Follow the celebrities you love and engage them in conversations
Follow celebrities and engage in their conversations. Once in a while these celebrities might be kind enough to follow back but even if they don’t, just keep retweeting their posts and engaging in their conversations by replying to their tweets. People who follow the celebrities might end up following you because you have common interests.
5. Share your handle on other platforms
Share your Twitter handle to other social media platforms and ask people to follow you on Twitter. Share on Facebook, Instagram and all social media platforms you are on. Always make sure you follow these people back as well.
6. Make your tweets as interesting as possible
The beauty of creating interesting tweets that may go viral is that very many people will see them and will end up following you. Tweet memes and interesting pictures and you will start earning followers.
7. Profile picture and header image
Use a good image as a profile picture and header image. People with no profile pictures have very few followers because people deem such accounts as spam accounts. Follow this up by writing an engaging bio that describes you and what you do in life. Very many people will normally look at someone’s bio before hitting that follow button. If your bio is something they can relate to they will readily follow you.
8. Add a follow button to your blog
If you have a blog (which I assume you do) always include a follow button to it. If people find your content interesting, they will only share it but will follow you on Twitter.
9. Embed tweets in your blog posts
The other way too earn more followers is to embed tweets to your blog posts. It attracts attention to the tweets and will make people want to follow you.
10. Don’t tweet aimlessly
Some people will tweet about practically anything. Even a passing fly. This is annoying and can make people unfollow you. Just space out your tweeting and try hard to tweet sense always. Schedule the times you tweet and only tweet when you have to.