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How to Get a Job if You are Overqualified or Underqualified: 10 Tips

How to Get a Job if You are Overqualified or Underqualified: 10 Tips

Tips to get a job if you are overqualified

There are very few things that feel more unfair than being overqualified for a job. People wonder all the time why they should be penalized for being too good, but as is discussed over at, when you look at it from an employer’s point of view, it does make sense for them to be wary of overqualified candidates as for starters, an overqualified candidate may not want to stay for long at a position, which is a big worry as employers usually want to avoid turnover. If you are overqualified for a particular position and are worried that the employer may not see you as the right fit, here are tips to help you still get the job.

Make it clear why you want the job

If you are applying for a job you are overqualified for, the employer will start wondering about your motives, which is why, according to, you should clarify straight out of the bat why you want the job. Are you looking for a greater work-life balance or a less stressful and less time-consuming job than your existing role? Are you looking to move away from your current company regardless of whether it is a downward, upward, or sideways move? Or are you entering a new industry and feel the need to start in an entry-level position? If the employer can understand your motives, then this will be the first step in you landing the position according to the experts over at

Focus on why the job is a good fit for you

As discussed over at, hiring managers want to know that the job is a good fit for you, and this is extremely important if you are qualified. You don’t want them thinking how it doesn’t make sense that you are applying for the job. Therefore, you should tell the hiring manager the aspects of the job that are appealing to you and show them how the position fits into your career goals.

Show your passion for the company

As is revealed in discussions over at, one of the reasons why individuals are usually willing to accept a lower-level job, one they are overqualified for, is if it is at their dream company. Therefore, employers are more likely to want to take a chance on you if they believe that you are passionate about the company and are willing to take any position, even if it is a lower-level position, as you truly want to work there in whatever capacity.

Focus on the employer’s needs

Another tip that will help you get the job even if you are overqualified is by showing the employer that you understand their pain points and then outline what you can bring to the organization to help solve their problem. This, as explained over at, means doing your research on the company before applying so that you can show the employer how you can be a valuable asset to them.

Use your cover letter well

Finally, you should also make good use of your cover letter if you are applying for a job that you are overqualified for. According to the gurus over at, you should use your cover letter to show why the job is right for you and to give details on your motivation, and show why you would be a good candidate. In other words, use your cover letter to explain why you want the job even though you could be doing something at a higher level.

Tips to get a job if you are underqualified

On the other side of the coin, it is usually assumed that if you are underqualified for a position, then you shouldn’t even send your resume or apply as it is unlikely you will be considered if you don’t have all the necessary qualifications. However, as the subject matter experts over at and point out, there are certain circumstances, especially in tech, where a job may be attainable even if you are underqualified. The following are tips that should help you land the job you are eyeing even if you are underqualified for it.

Highlight the skills you do have

While you might not tick every box the employer is seeking, it is possible that you tick some boxes, and sometimes with more oomph than anybody else applying. As per the experts over at, you should, therefore, play up what you do have and take the focus away from their list and make your own list, particularly since you may have skills that they didn’t realize they needed for their open position. Point out that your unique combination of skills is actually even better suited for the job and explain why and how.

Focus on your potential

If you are underqualified for a job, the best thing to do is to highlight your huge potential. Show that you have the desire and potential to learn whatever you will need to know even if you don’t have a specific knowledge base or set of skills as explained over at Show how much of a quick learner you are and even highlight how quickly your acquired expertise in something previously. Don’t just tell them about how you will hit the ground running and pick up what you don’t have on the fly, show them by giving examples of how you have done so throughout your career.

Leverage your cover letter

As is the case when you are overqualified for a job as mentioned earlier, your cover letter can be a great ally when applying for a job you are underqualified for according to You should use your cover letter to provide context for whatever skills and experience you lack, and use it to smooth any holes the hiring manager might see in your resume. Use your cover letter to make an upbeat, short-but-sweet case for why the hiring manager should give your resume a second look, despite its holes. Be honest as well.

Stay positive

Also, you should stay away from negative language such as “I don’t know…”, “I’ve never done…”, or “I’m nor qualified to…”. Instead, frame things with a bit more positivity and optimism, such as, “I’m eager to explore…”, “I’d love to work on…” and so forth. While it is important that you are aware of what you don’t know and don’t have going for you right now, the experts over at point out that you should make it clear that you are conscious of what you lack and are eager to do all it takes to get up to speed.

Show your passion

Concentrate on showing your passion and tenacity since if you want it badly enough and have the drive and courage to go for it, then, unless you are extremely underqualified, any gaps you have can be learned on the job as articulated over at Show your excitement and passion for the job and how close you are to being their ideal candidate, and let them see how hard you will work to get up to speed and you will have a good chance.

These are some of the tips to consider if you are overqualified or underqualified for a job, and we hope that they will help you get that job you are eyeing. As always, you can uncover more insights on this and other related topics by checking out the excellent and

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