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How to Get a Job: Advice from Successful People

How to Get a Job: Advice from Successful People

There is a lot we can from the experiences of others, including successes and failures, particularly if they then went on to be hugely successful and influential. With the help of the subject matter experts over at and, this article will look to highlight 10 tips on how to get a job, taking into account advice from successful people.

Know your career goals

Most successful people will tell you that it is crucial to first identify what type of career you want before you start your job hunt, something the gurus over at agree with. This is particularly important for people entering the workplace for the first time or changing careers. Make sure you have clear and realistic career goals, determine how you plan to reach them, and then note what qualifies you for that career path as covered over at This will help you narrow your job searches to positions you are passionate about, helping your quest for getting a job massively.

Get organized

Successful people know all about the importance of being organized and strategic in what you do, and this applies to your job search. If you want to get a job fast, you must organize yourself and your schedule to search for jobs more efficiently. As covered over at, this includes determining how many hours per day or what days of the week you will dedicate to job hunting or networking and making sure that your resume and cover letter are up to date. Also, you should create or update your profile on professional networking sites and create a spreadsheet to note the jobs that you have applied for and the interviews you have received. Another useful tactic would be to set up a professional email account to keep your job search messages separate and organized from your personal ones.

Get help with your resume and cover letter

Successful people will always look to get help for things that they are not proficient or good at, and if you want to get a job fast, then you should consider getting help with your resume and cover letter. This can be help from a friend, family member, coworker, career counselor, or other professionals including those over at, who will help proofread your resume and cover letter for errors as well as offer advice on how best to go about things.

Use all job search resources at your disposal

According to, you should avoid limiting yourself to manual online searches, but should instead take advantage of all job search options including reaching out to companies or hiring managers in person, attending career fairs, searching social media, using a career counseling service, or even looking for recommendation opportunities. Don’t forget about offline resources like job listings on newspapers and industry publications, community job boards, and ads on radio and TV.

Customize your resume

You should also avoid using one resume for all your applications, with the experts over at pointing out how important it is to adapt your resume to each job that you apply for. This means studying the job description to determine why you are a great fit and then adding your skills, experience, and measurable achievements that are relevant to that position.

Do your research

Just as important is researching the hiring companies before applying as you find job listings that interest you as explained over at This can provide you with information about their company culture, benefits, and salary range, products, and services as well as the work environment. Your research will tell you whether you want to or are even qualified to work for that company, while also giving you valuable information that you can reference in your cover letter or interview. Doing your homework and due diligence is something every successful person prides him/herself in.

Take initiative

As the gurus over at point out, today’s career requirements are highly developed and require much more than someone who won’t take risks. In today’s competitive career landscape, employers are looking for individuals who can bring something different and fresh ideas to the table as well as those who are willing to take initiative to start new projects, pitch new solutions, and create new opportunities for the business. This is who you should aim to be if you are to get a job.

Don’t just talk about it, show it

Actions, as they say, speak louder than words, and the value of action is far greater than that of mere words, something the experts over at agree with. This is a principle you should use when on your job search. Instead of simply talking about the things you did or projects you were part of, talk about the quantitative results of your work. For example, instead of saying “I was head of sales at my last job”, say “during the period in which I was head of sales, revenues went up by 50% as a direct consequence of my work”.

Get a mentor

You should never underestimate the power of mentorship. Some of the most successful people out there have gotten to where they are as a result of the guidance they received from mentors. A mentor, as is explained over at, is further along in their career than you, and can, therefore, offer insight, guidance, and advice that is extremely valuable to you. They have gone through their own process of building a career similar to what you aspire to, helping you avoid dead ends in your career, and help keep you on track to success as you look for a job.

Listen to feedback

Finally, another feature of successful people is that they are not afraid of taking feedback, regardless of how difficult it is to do so. You will likely suffer rejection as you look for a job. In such a situation, particularly if you made it to the interview stage, reach out to the hiring manager and ask them to give you feedback on how your interview went, and where you went wrong. As covered over at, this will help you know where you need to improve, setting you up for better next time you find yourself in the same situation, increasing your chances of success. Take setbacks and rejections as an opportunity to learn and ask for feedback.

These are some of the tips on how to get a job, with more tips, and insights on the same to be found over at the highly-rated and

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