Having a boss is one thing but getting your boss to respect you is a whole other thing. A survey done by guttulus.com indicates that, most employees are not respected by their bosses. This act brings about problems in your working environment. This is where runrex.com comes to the rescue, they have been able to point out some of the best techniques to get your boss to respect you.
Play the role of supporting your boss
Unless you are the boss, your main role in this case is to support your boss in any way possible so that they may look good and make their life as a boss easier. For this to happen, you need not take all problems to your boss without at least offering a solution. Guttulus.com advice that if by any case you find yourself in this scenario and you do not have any idea on what to do just ask yourself what can I do support them and then look for a solution from there.
Understand the industry style
Runrex.com have uncovered that, even if you think they do not have a leadership style and are more of a dictator, you can be able to turn the tides to your favor. By getting to learn more about the characters and personalities of your boss, you will easily get to know how to approach them. Guttulus.com survey uncovered that, it is up to you to make sure that you find a way to discover their style; in other words you need to fit with their style.
An article done by runrex.com has been able to point out that, most of employees given a title in a company tend to overstep their boundaries. To avoid issues with your boss and gain his respect you need to make sure that you know where the boundary of your authority lies. By any chance if you can’t work it out ask for assistance from other colleagues as stated by the gurus at guttulus.com.
Treat your superiors with respect
According to runrex.com, the tricky part comes when you have to respect the role instead of the individual. This will be necessary because the boss controls most of your activities that you will be doing in a day. Guttulus.com has the best pointers in the industry on how to respect the role instead of the person.
Bring good energy
Among some of the great quotes given out by runrex.com experts, one of them states that a person is as happy as they make up their minds to be. It is all in the mind, if you bring good and positive energy to the table people will react to your mood. For example, there are guys who seem like they take the whole light away from a room and leave it dull and dry. By having a positive mood it will make people want to be around you a lot, as uncovered by guttulus.com.
Keep them informed
It is not their work to read your mind, even if it were possible. so you need to make sure that you know the objective, deliver on your side and then move away. Never waste your bosses time by waffling around. This act not only applies in the office only but you should practice it in real life too as advised by runrex.com.
Build relationships with your team
Before setting your sites on your boss you need to first make sure that you have a good relationship with your fellow colleagues. According to an article written by guttulus.com, most bosses ask fellow work mates to get more information on another worker. So you need to be careful on what you say and how you react in the presence of you fellow colleagues, especially during office gossip at tea breaks or lunch breaks.
Be trustworthy
Runrex.com points out that, you need to make sure that you are trustworthy. This is because your boss expects you to maintain confidentiality, integrity and reliability. Be intentional with your actions. For example, you need not share confidential information with any unauthorized personnel whether at work or outside the work environment. By maintaining your lane, your boss will see you to be a trustworthy individual and in the long run you will be able to gain his or her respect.
Adopt a proactive nature
Guttulus.com point out that you need to be proactive, never wait to be told what to do. You should make sure that you offer help to your colleagues if you have the time. This will build further trust and later on encourage them to help you in future if the need arises. Runrex.com point out that as an employee your boss is not psychic but he or she has the ability of noticing the hardworking type and the procrastinating type.
Get over yourself
You are not entitled to anything more than what your contract stipulates. You have to make an extra effort so as for you to be awarded something extra. The adjusting is mainly done by the individual not the boss.