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How to Find Your First Photography Client

How to Find Your First Photography Client

The popularity of social sites like Pinterest, Snapchat, and Instagram underscore our visually oriented nature. People cannot seem to consume enough images which, has created a big demand for the same. As a photographer looking to get established in the industry, this is good news; but even so, getting a first client may still prove challenging. So, how can you easily find your first client? Read on to find out.

Prepare yourself mentally

Getting a first client means that your photography has to be advanced enough for someone to be willing to pay for it. To get to such a stage, you may first have to work hard without earning any money to elevate your skills.

From this perspective, getting started in photography can be challenging not to mention the cost of quality equipment to get the job done. Expect lean times as you find your footing, and it will be easier to bear the hard months as you look forward to the better times.

Showcase your work

Once your skill is up to par, market your work to broadcast your expertise. Get your own website or blog where people can view and download your work. See to it that your portfolio is attractive and dynamic in a way that depicts your photography pedigree.

In addition, promote your work and your brand on social media. If you can, leverage paid promotions to broaden your reach. Ensure that your images are branded and highlight that you are available for projects. This way, you will significantly increase your chances of landing your first client.

Leverage friends

Naturally, people are excited to show off anything of beauty, especially if it concerns them. If you take good photos of, or involving your friends, you will effectively kick-start a word-of-mouth marketing campaign. Just make sure that you do a stellar job, and the circle of those in the know concerning your photography skill will increase.

While at it, ask yourself who needs photography the most? Which moments do people want to capture the most? With such a frame of mind, you will be able to prudently locate and market yourself to capitalize on photography opportunities.

Take advantage of sports

Attend sporting events and capture the special moments. Notice the family cheering on one of their own and capture him/her in action. Capture the moments of happiness and celebration and make use of a site like Photoshelter and other platforms to publish the processed images.

When those affiliated with what you captured come across the images, they will appreciate your work and feel inclined to buy the images just as much as you would not hesitate to buy a perfectly timed picture of yourself, or a family member depicting a monumental moment.

Select a niche

Cultivate photography distinction by focusing on a niche that is not yet overexploited. It could be particular aspects of nature, pregnant women, capturing childhood moments that resonate, or even a mixture of the above. Find a spot for yourself in the industry and it will be easier to find a client.

However, this does not mean that you should disregard other aspects of the profession. As a photographer starting out, it would be suicidal to be one-sided. Besides, it will be hard to choose a niche without experimenting to see where you feel most at home.

Hiring sites

Put your profile on hiring sites and include your contacts and links to your website so that those interested can check out your work. Primarily, ensure you have a strong LinkedIn presence. Endeavor to always keep your profiles updated.


Link up with other photographers and industry players. Keep abreast with current events, and you will know when and how to position yourself to land a gig. Attend events that are closely related to photography and where industry stakeholders are likely to be found. Simply put, make friends, and build a name in the real world to mirror the presence you will concurrently be building online.

Work on your presentation and social skills

Polish your social skills. Otherwise, you may offer excellent services but be unable to convince a willing client and thereby lose him/her to a competitor. Remember that getting a client comes down to excellent marketing which calls for effective communication.

In the same vein, work on your presentation skills and even if desperate, beat the urge to hard-sell your services. Frequently underselling to make a quick buck out of desperation is also not advised as it will demean your brand in the long haul.

Do it for the passion

If you get into photography for the money, there is a high probability that you will run out of steam before you get a steady stream of clients. During the hard times, it is your passion that will keep you going. According to those accomplished in the industry, success in photography is about commercializing a hobby.

Final thoughts

The good thing about photography is that it is a well-covered profession. Bar the finances you will need to buy equipment; you will find everything else that you need to succeed on authoritative sites such as If you continually apply yourself to perfect the art as well as the marketing by taking advantage of these resources, the clients will come sooner or later.

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