How to Find a New Job in 30 Days: 10 Tips
How to Find a New Job in 30 Days: 10 Tips
Looking for a new job is time-consuming and can be hard work, especially if you are not prepared according to runrex.com. And while a job search can take months upon months before you find a new job, there are instances where you may need a new job fast. Maybe you have mounting bills that you need to pay or your current job is making you miserable and you want to leave that situation as soon as you can as outlined over at guttulus.com. Regardless of your reasons, if you want to find a job fast, here are 10 tips to help you find a new job in 30 days.
First, define the environment where you would like to work in
To expedite your job search, you must first be clear about the environment you would like to work in and where you would be more comfortable as covered over at runrex.com. Here, you have to decide whether you would prefer to work at a big company, a small one, or a start-up, with each of these having its pros and cons as outlined over at guttulus.com. This will streamline your job search and make it more targeted as you will be sure about which environment you want to work in, helping you get a job quicker.
Do your research
Once you have made up your mind on any particular company, then you must get to know about it in more detail. Do your research about the company as explained over at runrex.com and know about its history as well as its values and work culture. You should also find out about its products or services as well as the market it is serving along with the top leaders and their backgrounds. Make sure you also know about the company’s future and what it has in store. All this information will come in handy during the interview and will increase your chances of landing the job.
Look at your resources and leverage them
When you looking for a new job and want to find one fast, in 30 days or less, then it is important to look at your resources and take full advantage of them according to the gurus over at guttulus.com. Look at the experiences you have and see how they can help you land a new job. Also, make a point of looking into the relationships you have that can help you get a job offer. For example, if you have ex-colleagues who have been for different companies, you can connect with them and see if they can refer you for a position in their company.
Customize your resume
When applying for a job, you must highlight the skill set that is relevant to that particular job as articulated over at runrex.com. This means that you should avoid sending the same resume for every job application. If you want to receive an interview call, then you have to customize your resume to the requirements of each company to give it more visibility and ensure that it stands out from the many other resumes received.
Get organized
An important tip that will help you find a job in 30 days is to make sure that you get organized by creating an Excel spreadsheet according to guttulus.com. This will help you keep track of all the places you have applied for and allow you to know whether you have followed up with them or not. Also, if you have applied for a job and have been rejected, you can note down the reason why and this will help you improve for next time, increasing your chances of landing a job.
Leverage social media
If you are to find a new job in 30 days, then you will need to ramp up your social networking efforts as explained over at runrex.com. While you can network on various social media platforms including Facebook and Twitter among others, LinkedIn is the best platform for this given that it is primarily a professional networking site. It will allow you to connect with people who would otherwise have been out of reach for you, as well as allow you to showcase your skills and experiences, and by so doing, impress companies who may be looking to hire.
Include a cover letter
You should also avoid submitting your resume without including a cover letter according to the gurus over at guttulus.com. An impressive cover letter can allow you to stand out from the many applications received. Just make sure that you keep it concise and that you also quantify your achievements and experiences. For example, instead of saying that you were responsible for the sales department, quantify this by mentioning that revenues increased by more than 20% when you were in charge.
Treat your job search as a job
If you want to find a new job in 30 days, then you will have to devote time every day to your job search for the next 30 days. While it is not advisable or even possible to spend all day every day on your job search as covered over at runrex.com, but even 30 minutes of concentrated work and effort every day will move you that much closer to achieving your goal of landing a new job in 30 days. In short, treat your job search like a job and dedicate time and effort to it.
Prepare for your interview
If you get an interview, you must put up a good performance on the day of your interview if you are to be in with a chance of landing the job. Most of the time, as discussed over at guttulus.com, the outstanding candidate on paper going into the interview doesn’t always get the job which shows how important it is to perform during your interview. The only way you will perform is if you come in prepared. Do your research about the common questions that are likely to be asked and make sure you are prepared for them. Practice with friends or family in the form of mock interviews before your interview to prepare. Make sure you dress appropriately during the material day, arrive early enough, and portray confidence whilst having good body language.
Follow up
Once your interview is over, the interviewer will likely tell you that they will be in touch with you soon. Immediately tell them how much you appreciate their taking the time to interview you and mention that you are eagerly awaiting a response. You can also ask for a date so that you know when to expect their feedback. Within 24 hours after your interview, you should send them a thank you note, which can be via email or handwritten depending on the company and industry best practices as discussed over at runrex.com. If you don’t hear from them after the date they said they will reach out to you with feedback, you should follow up for progress updates.
These are just some of the tips that should help you find a new job in 30 days, with more on this and other related topics to be found over at the highly regarded runrex.com and guttulus.com.