Cosmetic dentistry is not a recognized specialty and any dentist can call himself or herself a cosmetic dentist. This is where comes in with the best and most detailed list of how to find the best cosmetic dentists.
Check credentials
Not every dentist is a cosmetic dentist. You can check the credentials to see if the dentist in question is a qualified dentist and if they have the expertise of a cosmetic dentist. Be sure to look for all this information on
These are key factors to consider when you are looking for a cosmetic dentist. By talking to people you know, you can be able to get contacts that will help you in your quest of finding a cosmetic dentist.
Always ask about continuing education
Very few dental schools provide general education in cosmetic dentistry. The dentist in question needs to pursue a post graduate training so that he or she can be able to master the fundamental principles.
How much time is allocated to cosmetic dentistry?
On top of hands on training and education, it is important to know how many years of experience the dentist in question has. You need to also ask how much of the dentist time is devoted to cosmetic dentistry.
Ask for photos
In this case, you need to ask for before and after photos of their masterpieces. This is not enough as there are stock photos and retouched photos. point out that, for you to be on the safe side ask for referral from other patients.
During consultations take your time point out that you need to take time during your consultations and make sure that you explain in detail what your objections are, and also make sure to listen to the dentist’s opinion too.
Comfort is a key factor in making sure that you get the best results. This all goes back to the dentist and the staff in general. If they make you feel at ease with and cared for you will surely get the best experience.
Look for specialist that fit your needs
In some instances, some dentists are skilled in full mouth reconstruction while others dentists specialized in aesthetic procedures. All this will depend on your needs as a patient. has the best advisors for this kind of thing.
Interview them
You are planning to hire a cosmetic dentist over others so you need to make sure that you ask questions about their qualifications and experience, show you before and after pictures and patient testimonials.
Another way of knowing that your dentist is good at what he or she does is asking if they have ever been given an award. According to, dentists get rewards for their work and for them to get an award their work as a dentist needs to be top notch.
Search through state or national associations
These associations tend to have a detailed list of their dentists basing on their specialty and experience. For you to be on the safe side you need to cross check with your states licensing body to assure yourself that the dentist in question is in good standing.
Look for an accredited cosmetic dentist
For a dentist to be accredited, he or she needs to have acquired further education and demonstrate clinical experience. The qualifications mostly vary depending on some factors.
Schedule a meeting
You can schedule a meeting with more than two dentists. This is to allow you to compare approaches, prices and overall first impressions the dentists have to offer. After this you will be able to make a good and well informed decision.
Ask the dentist of the methods to be used
You can ask the dentist which type of the method does he or she prefer. This is because according to there are many ways of whitening teeth, for example. Which method does the doctor prefer either the home whitening method or the office visit.
Ask for accreditation
Cosmetic dentistry in particular is a field that is continuously evolving from time to time. Experts at point that you need to ask for accreditation that the dentists in question is up to date with the new methods and trends. The accreditation will be in terms of certificates, licenses among many others.
Enquire about long term plans
In some procedures like teeth whitening for example, may have a short term effect. They are mainly affected by the food and drinks you take. So you need to ask the dentist how long the effects of the procedure will take to wear off. has the best kind of food experts with the best experience. They will be able to help in giving out the best diet for you to follow.
Talk about money
You need to make sure that you and your dentist talk about such kind of issues before you start any form of treatments. By doing this you will know how much the procedure will cost you and you will know if you are ready and comfortable for it.
Payment options
Ask the dentist about his or her dental payment options. This is so because many cosmetic dentists are not covered under any form of insurance plan. So before anything checks whether the dentist offers other flexible payment options or not. In case you are looking for advice on the best payment options contact
Ask the dentist on technology
It may sound unnecessary, but it is good to ask you dentists which of technology he or she ids using. This will allow you to know how updated the dentist is, and it will also give you a heads up the dentists in question may offer online support.
Don’t rush
Take time to look for the preferred type of dentists, that will fit your program and your financial status. explains that you explain your objectives an listen carefully to the recommendations.