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How to Double Click-Through Rates with Dazzling HTML5 Ads

How to Double Click-Through Rates with Dazzling HTML5 Ads

When it comes to click-through rates, display ads have been known to have a lower click-through rates than text ads. That is why HTML5 ads have been such a great addition to the banner ad world. Studies have shown that with the use of HTML5 ads, click-through rates have skyrocketed to a tune of well over 250%. The increased performance they bring with them is a welcome addition and this article will look to delve into detail about them and how one can achieve increased click-through rates with their help.

They are actually the latest installment of HTML with HTML5 being the first of its kind to grant developers the ability to write video, audio among other animations directly onto the source code of a page. This feature makes the use of plugins such as Flash redundant. The ads therefore end up being more attractive to click on and since the incorporate such things as gifs and videos, they demand more views and consequently clicks as they stand out from the pack. The modern theme continues with the fact that HTML5 supports both 3D and interactive ad design. You don’t have to worry about their compatibility on native apps as they run smoothly there as well.

Now that we know a little bit more about them it is time to delve into how they are made. Given how complex matters relating to HTML5 may seem, it should come as a massive relief to know that you don’t have to be fluent in it or to be a full stack developer to create an HTML5 ad. With the use of tools like Bannersnack, Flexitive among others, marketers without extensive knowledge in this field can still be able to create fabulous HTML5 ads that will still be able to garner lots of clicks. More convenient still there are special products out there that allow you to skip the ad creation process and by only filling in relevant information, they automatically create HTML5 ads for you.

If you are looking to double click-through rates then HTML5 ads are the way to go as given the fact that they are code based ads, they will enable you to customize them in order to give your users the best experience when they visit your ad page. HTML5 ads don’t look like something extra intruding on your page of interest, but they look like part of the page and they even move to the corner of the page and get smaller all in a bid not to turn a potential client off. Once they retreat to a corner, they can still be accessed if the user feels like it. This expensive but not intrusive nature of HTML5 ads is one of the major reasons why they have such high click-through rates.

HTML5 ads also achieve great click-through rates by the fact that they are not invasive or pushy as compared to the other ads. This is because one is able to animate their products without even having to use video. This means that for ads using this technology, running your cursor over them will bring you onto their product’s landing page and given the animation runs only once and then it stops, which means that if the user isn’t intrigued by the ad, then it won’t continue running and won’t be pushy at all. This feature is very much so appreciated by users and it is no wonder that HTML5 ads have such high click-through rates.

One of the most common phenomenon out there right now in the online advertising world is the gamification of ads. This is where users are lured into clicking through to a landing page by playing a little game. HTML5 ads have this feature on lock and with its use it will enable you get an increased number of click-through rates. It also does this in a very clean and none-intrusive way that allows you to entice clicks without having to spam your users, which is one of the reasons that lead to ads not getting clicks.

HTML5 ads are definitely the next frontier in the online advertising world. The competitive nature of this field means that those that haven’t jumped on this particular bandwagon yet are likely to be left in the shade by their competitors. The good news is that getting acquainted and into grips with the workings of HTML5 is not difficult at all. With the use of the one of the tools that have been mentioned above which include Google Web Designer or Word Stream Advisor, which provide free trials, you should be able to dive head first into the world of HTML5 ads. This should allow you to trade the old and stale traditional banner ads with the new HTML5 ads that will come with a guarantee of at least doubling your click-through rates. For more on this and much more is the place to visit.

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