How to do PPC to convert better in 13 steps
How to do PPC to convert better in 13 steps
Paid advertising is a faster way to achieve results in digital marketing and this explains why it is a popular strategy among most online entities. PPC is the standout avenue for paid advertising and stands as one of the available avenues that can handle the conversion funnel. But how can PPC be handled to facilitate better conversion rates? runrex.com is a platform that aims to answer this pertinent question as well as provide further insights through these 13 steps.
Lead with your value proposition
The keywords you take up should focus on the descriptions and details of your offering but you should equally take an approach that is value-based in the sense that you have to provide value to the target audience. The goal is to describe values and benefits since you can be sure they will bring in the traffic.
Include calls-to-action
After the value has been communicated, you have to trigger action by providing a call-to-action that will instigate some response from the target audience. The idea here is to help the target audience take the actionable step. An important factor to note here is that you also have to capture a sense of urgency that will make the target audience see the offering as a limited edition that needs to be taken advantage of immediately.
Include Long-tail keywords
Short-tail keywords broaden the target audience but a long-tail keyword will narrow down the audience even further. The beauty with long tail keywords is that they ensure you get relevant clicks and this is why you have to find the long tail keywords that fit in with your offering.
Group and organize keywords
The beauty of grouping keywords is that you get to have an accurate process in conversion tracking. Having small Ad groups will give you some ease in terms of effective constitution and allow you to check on Ad variations with added accuracy.
Consider negative keywords
Negative keywords will prevent specific search terms from triggering your Ad. The role of negative keywords is to enhance conversion rate by eliminating the case scenario where people who aren’t ready to convert click on your Ads. Including the negative keywords is perfect as it reduces CPC while also boosting the ROI.
Location targeting
Location can be used when structuring the Long tail keywords to give you further traction and the best advantage is that it also appeals to the local target audience. Location based marketing is an effective strategy in PPC as it allows you to become more conspicuous to your target audience.
Landing pages should match the Ad
Your landing page must be relevant according to the Ad. The messaging between your landing page and Ad should also be consistent since it is the only way that the landing page will lead to a conversion. It is useless to have Ads and spend money promoting the same only to lead the traffic to a home page where the target audience cannot complete the conversion process. The key here is to have individual landing pages optimized with content and calls to action that will convince the potential customer.
Structure one Ad per landing page
The biggest advantage of having one Ad per landing page is that you will identify how each Ad is impacting landing page conversions. With a closer look, this will ultimately lead to better conversions.
Split test landing page design
As most platform including bitgale.com have detailed, it is your Ad copy that determines the Click Through Rates while a landing page influences the rate of conversion. The landing page design has a huge bearing on the conversion rate ad this is why you have to settle on the lead magnet and maximize on the same.
Focus on best practices for Click-Through Rate
The higher the number of people who view and click your Ad, the higher possibility of conversion. It therefore makes sense to focus on the best practices that include capitalization of Ad titles, consideration of marketing search funnel, care with Ad placement and testing the match types.
Use IP Exclusion
Avoid running an expensive PPC campaign with no ROI. You can effectively do this by identifying the IP addresses that are likely to click without converting. Your Ad will not appear to them in future and this will enhance the relevance angle and thereby enable you convert better.
Target Remarketing as a CRO tool
Best way to improve the CRO is through remarketing. The idea is to convince the indecisive audience to go back to your site. Being consistent in the same can earn you a great return in terms of conversions.
Concentrate on a customer-focused approach
Add the audiences you need to your Ad group and Google Display Networks will help you formulate a customer-focused approach. The major step here is to identify the ideal customer and design your Ad and content around what they need and the desires they carry. You have to ensure you are categorical in focusing on the top interests and demographic which will help you convert better.