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How to Do Graphic Design to Rank and Convert Better in 13 Steps

How to Do Graphic Design to Rank and Convert Better in 13 Steps

Businesses are increasingly turning to graphic designers in order to boost their presence in the very competitive online space. This is the new frontier in which businesses have to put themselves out there if they want to reach as many of their potential customers as possible. The question now becomes what to do to ensure that you improve your rankings and convert as many of those potential customers as possible. That is where this article comes in as it will look to give you 13 steps on how to do just that.

The first step has to do with content. As you design your website the content should be relatable to your prospective clients. The content has to be high quality and relevant so as to ensure that your prospective clients spend as much time as possible on your website and therefore increase the chances of them converting as fulltime clients. Content is key when doing graphic design.

When designing your website, it is also important to ensure it loads up quickly as this will be used when ranking your website by some of the ranking algorithms out there. Prospective customers are also likely to be put off if they have to wait a few seconds so as to load your webpage. There are ways to increase loading speed which can be implemented when in the graphic designing phase.

Another step you have to keep in mind to increase your ranking and to convert better is to ensure your website is without unnecessary popups. Popups can be very annoying and are likely to put off any prospective clients visiting your website. Avoiding them all together when designing your website is likely to boost your ranking and help you convert better any prospective clients.

When doing the graphic designing of your website it is also of importance to optimize your images to help you rank and convert better. This includes having your images be of the right size and quality. This increases the aesthetic value of your website and it is sure to ensure those visiting your website stay that bit longer and therefore increase the chances of them converting.

The importance of a call to action to ensure that you convert better cannot be overstated. When designing your website, you have to ensure that there is a clear call to action button that is easy to see and use so that you don’t lose prospective clients just because you couldn’t be able to capitalize on the interest you had built up. To ensure you increase your conversion rate and not your exit rate work on your call to action button in the graphic design stage of your website.

When doing the graphic design of your website also ensure that you incorporate outbound links. These are links to authority sites that one can visit for more in-depth information on your products. These include sites like and which are well-respected sites that can lead to a building of trust of your website and therefore lead to it ranking and converting better.

When doing the graphic designing of your website also ensure to incorporate a lot of multimedia items like slideshows and videos. This helps to improve the user experience to visitors of your website and in turn helps increase the conversion rate. Websites using videos rank really well and have been known to convert better than those without.

When designing your website if you are looking to convert and rank better then ensure you avoid broken links. Broken links are usually associated with neglected site which is a sure way to ensure your rankings drop and thereafter your conversion rates follow. Use the myriad of tools and apps that are available to check and then fix any broken links and ensure you rank and convert better.

You can also ensure to use Keywords with high value traffic. These are the backbone of your ad campaign and picking them can either make it or break it. You have to pick keywords that have high traffic, conversion and brand value. If you incorporate all this, then you are sure to rank and convert better.

When in the graphic design phase of your website ensure you incorporate adequate contact information. Put up a link through which visitors can reach out if they have any enquiries and queries. If visitors see that you have put up contact information it increases confidence and trust levels in your business and ensure you rank and convert better.

When designing your website, you have to take great care with its navigation architecture. This means that visitors have to be able to find whatever it is they are looking for in the shortest time possible when they land on your site. If they have to go round in circles, then they are likely to leave and that will be bad news for your ranking and conversion rates.

Another very important aspect to take into account in the designing of your website to ensure you convert and rank better is to ensure you make your website mobile-friendly. Ensure that when prospective clients want to visit your website they can also do so on their mobile devices. This is essential as people go with their mobile devices everywhere so locking them out is basically shooting yourself in the foot. This is also a factor taken into consideration when ranking.

Another step that is important to not skip or ignore to ensure you rank and convert better is to make sure you incorporate social media platform sharing buttons. This is to ensure visitors can share your content and help build up your brand more online. This is sure to boost your rankings and also help you to convert a large percentage of your visitors.

The above are some of the steps you cannot afford to skip when designing your website if you have designs of ranking and converting better. For more on this and much more ensure you visit and

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