How to Create and Run a Mastermind Group in 2021
How to Create and Run a Mastermind Group in 2021
It is more often than not better to collaborate with others when looking to achieve some set goals you may have than going it alone. This philosophy is what has made mastermind groups so popular as the bring with them great scope as far as making progress, growing and support systems are concerned. This is because a good mastermind group creates a fertile environment for its members to brainstorm ideas and create and accomplish goals. The environment created by a good mastermind group is also usually very supportive to its members as well as being one of respect and compassion but also very honest. A mastermind group aims at bringing together different perspectives on the same project or problem which helps grow and improve its members both in terms of the business side of things as well as the personal side, as discussed in great detail by the industry experts over at Given its obvious benefits, how does one go about creating and running their own mastermind group in 2021? Well, this article will look to have that question answered for anyone looking to do exactly that.
We will first look into how one can go about creating a mastermind group, especially in 2021. The first thing you need to do when looking to create a mastermind group is ensuring that you a purpose or a topic for your mastermind group. This can be anything you want it to be depending on your objectives and goals. It doesn’t even have to be about your career and the professional side of things, as you can as well create a mastermind group on stuff such as fitness, school and many others, as the folks over at explain in detail. It is also important to note that for your mastermind to be successful, it must be made up of the right people and as such the next thing you ought to do when looking to create a mastermind in 2021 is ensuring you bring in the right people. This will be like you partners and their input will greatly contribute to whether or not you will accomplish the goals set out for your mastermind or not and as such it is important to bring in people who will be the right and natural fit, those you will be able to relate to and interact with better.
When creating a mastermind group, it is also important to agree on and set out the group’s parameters and ground rules beforehand, as is discussed in great detail on another platform over at When setting up these guidelines, the principle behind it should be ensuring everyone in the group reaps the full rewards of the group rather than looking to stifle anyone within the mastermind group. Restrictive rules, as one can imagine, will greatly hinder productivity which will make the mastermind redundant and of no use at all. Rules should be on aspects such as attendance of meetings, so as to ensure that members attend meetings and you have a quorum for each meeting, time keeping among others. The best mastermind groups are not anchored in the strictness of its rules but rather on the mutual respect between the members and respect of the group itself. To cultivate this mutual respect among members, it is important you invite the right people in your group. Some of the factors to consider include whether or not you share similar drive and commitment and are able to benefit mutually with folks you are looking to invite into your mastermind group. You should also look to bring in problem solvers as well as folks with wide ranging skills they can contribute to the group.
Let us now look at how you can be able to run a mastermind group now that you know how you can be able to create one. First and foremost, any mastermind group that is looking to be successful should ensure that they meet regularly. While at it, you should ensure that time is kept and that members are punctual and the meeting also ends on time. It is up to you to decide how regularly you want to meet, whether weekly, monthly etcetera. A well run mastermind group in 2021 will also ensure that each member is given equal time to contribute so that no one feels left out and as such every member can own the group and feel like they belong. Everyone should be given an equal chance to contribute, and no one should be interrupted when they have the floor. This means members should hold comments until after the person speaking is done unless it is a very pressing and specific question. You should consider employing a facilitator as well as having an agenda for each meeting depending on the scope of the mastermind group and number of members. Taking minutes and capturing what happens in each meeting is also good practice as far as running a mastermind group goes as recommended by the folks over at
The above will hopefully help you as you look to create and run your very own mastermind group in 2021, with more on his and other topics to be found on so make sure you check them out.