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How to build an email list from scratch fast (Top 13 tips from an expert)

How to build an email list from scratch fast (Top 13 tips from an expert)

Building an email list should be a strategic exercise that involves careful consideration of all matters in play. The process is usually more complicated when starting from scratch but the key is normally in the details and it doesn’t have to be hard if the correct approach is adopted from the word go. Professionals have been categorical in providing inputs on how to build an email list and here are 13 of the top tips from an expert. 

Set expectations in the initial stage

As an email list is meant to Create stronger relationships with the target audience, it is crucial that you set expectations at the initial stage. Consumers need clear value ad you should thus make it very clear that they are subscribing and also expound on what they stand to gain from the same. Have a lead capture form that speaks to what is on offer. 

Capture value as much as possible

The value proposition is what brings the target audience closer. With respect to this, it should be made to have a pulling element as much as possible. The goa is to always provide value whether it is through giveaways or free courses that will benefit the target audience.   

Never interrupt the experience

Often, marketers may try to interrupt the experience a visitor is having with irrelevant offers that may not factor the value earlier proposed. User experience is key to absolute conversion and distracting elements are normally a huge turnoff that may limit the chance to build an email list. 

Avoid scraping emails off the internet

Making a user part of an email list they did not subscribe to is a huge mistake that needs to be avoided at all costs. When building an email list from scratch, the focus should be on getting the users to opt in willingly so as to stay interested.

Use search intent

The beauty with search intent is that you get to identify what the target audience needs and this then means you get to make an offering that speaks to the same. The main objective here is to identify the pain point that needs to be addressed and this is where you ask the users to sign-up so they can get info on the same.

Add capture forms to videos

With video content standing as a huge hit, adding email capture forms is a great way to build an email list. This is a strategy to build an email list using a strategy that is sure to work. Though it may appear disruptive, you have to target some meticulous planning so that you get users to provide their emails. 

Stay real

Avoid using some underhand tactics to grow your list, just provide value and watch your list grow. Provide incentive to sign up using value and not some empty offerings that will not materialize in the end since users have become well aware of some of the negative marketing gimmicks doing the rounds.

Never litter website with email signup forms

The consumers are very sensitive and “woke” so to speak and this is to say that if the offers are to benefit you and there is no upside on their side, they will easily stay away from your website in its entirety. 

Make the user the beneficiary

This can be done simply using the language approach. Using “You” creates the perception that the offer has the consumer in mind and that it has been designed specifically for the web visitor. This is an effective strategy that makes the user the ultimate beneficiary. 

Utilize your social media

It is possible to capture mobile conversions from Facebook to Twitter and other social media platforms. Social media is a wide platform where engagement captured perfectly can lead to an effective list building process. You can use a lead magnet that will lead to the users giving out their emails for the value you are tuned to provide.

Place email form at exit intent section

When a user shows exit intent, you can get a popup that manifests at that point in time which will in turn allow you to collect their email. Exit intent popups have proved to be a huge hit and continue to be a significant part of email list building. 

Offer content upgrade

When building an email list from scratch, offering content upgrade is the most convenient and winning formula since every user needs something better after enjoying a taste. It is one of the successful link magnets that can be used when you need your users to provide an email which will result in them getting content upgrade. 

Launch dedicated landing page for email marketing

The goal is to have an optimized landing page that will cater to the email subscribers. The subscribe button has to be conspicuous with appropriate phots, designs and colors to create the perfect scenario.

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