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How to Build a Basic PHP Website in 2019.

How to Build a Basic PHP Website in 2019.

The popularity of PHP today cannot be exaggerated. This is because of the shift from static websites to the more modern dynamic websites. The popularity of PHP is also based on the fact that it is not only easy to learn and use, but is also more fun working with especially for the modern web developer. Knowledge on PHP enables one to do a myriad of things from processing HTML forms, talk to databases to being able to send emails right from a web page. You can find out a lot more about PHP on This article will look into how one can be able to build a basic PHP website in 2019.

The first step in making a PHP website is making sure you have a PHP interpreter so that your computer can be able to understand when you write some PHP script. You will have to download and install the PHP interpreter on your computer or server. This tool is free to download and shouldn’t be difficult to either find or install. The presence of a PHP interpreter will also allow you to maximize and take full advantage of the many incredible features that come with PHP. It is also advisable to set your PHP interpreter so that it executes through a web server to enable you to enjoy the PHP at full strength. This means that you should first install a web server, with the Apache web server your best bet given its not only easy to install but free as well.

After you have your PHP interpreter in place you can now go ahead and write the PHP script for your website. Here the first step is creating a brand new PHP page which you can do by simply renaming an HTML page from .html to .php. from here, you will now proceed to write the PHP code in between the tags. In this stage it becomes abundantly clear that for one to write PHP code, one needs to have at least some knowledge of HTML. This is because some of the techniques used here if not all of them will not only require HTML knowledge to understand but also to apply and run. For more information or if you need a refresher on matters HTML, make sure you visit you will need this knowledge if you are to understand what exactly texts like <body> </body> mean.

When building a PHP website, you will spot similarities with HTML. These similarities mean that you can be able to use PHP coding directly inside the body of HTML coding. The formatted texts, tags if you may, for PHP work in the same way as in HTML only that in PHP most of this text appearing here is referred to as PHP code. The first tag will tell the PHP interpreter that there is where the PHP code begins while at the very end that particular tag after the code will tell the PHP interpreter that the PHP code terminates at that particular point. In between the PHP start and end tags is where one writes code that will eventually come out as print on one’s web page.

When building a PHP website, one has to be conversant with the various PHP functions especially when writing code. This functions will enable you write the script quicker and more efficiently at the same time checking if you have inputted the crucial information like say email addresses correctly and if they are working. After this step you will end up with a HTML page with PHP code inputted within its body and you will therefore need to convert the HTML page into a PHP page. This can be done quite easily as all it takes is for you to change your HTML file extension from .HTML to .PHP and presto the change is complete. What this does is communicate to the server that this particular page has PHP code in it and should therefore be passed through the PHP interpreter for processing as discussed above.

With this you can now upload your page onto your server so as you can be able to see your new PHP website in its full glory. It should be noted that it will only run on a computer or server with a PHP interpreter installed on it. Another important thing to note is that before you go live it may be a good idea to find a place where you will be able to test your PHP scripts. This can be achieved by simply installing PHP onto your computer. Alternatively, you could find a host supporting PHP from which you will be able to test your PHP scripts. From the foregoing you can see building a basic PHP website going into 2019 isn’t that taxing. There is always more to learn on this and much more and this can be achieved by visiting

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