How to Become an Expert in Python Programming: 20 Tips
How to Become an Expert in Python Programming: 20 Tips
Python is an important programming language to know as it is widely used in fields like data science, web development, software engineering, game development, automation, among others as captured in discussions on the same over at runrex.com. But how do you become an expert in Python programming? This article will look to outline the steps to take to learn Python as well as tips and tricks to help you become an expert on the programming language.
Step-by-step guide on how to learn Python
Figure out what motivates you to learn Python
Before you can even start learning Python programming, the gurus over at guttulus.com recommend that you first figure out why you want to learn it. Since it is going to be a long, and sometimes painful, journey, it is important to figure out the reason why as without enough motivation, you probably won’t make it through.
Pick an area you are interested in
Figuring out what motivates you, as mentioned in the previous point, will help you figure out an end goal and a path that gets you there without boredom. Pick an area you are interested in, such as:
Data science/machine learning
Mobile apps
Scripts to automate work
Data processing and analysis
Hardware / Sensors / Robots
As is discussed over at runrex.com, you can make robots using Python with the help of Raspberry Pi.
Learn the basic syntax
You can’t skip this step according to guttulus.com. You have to learn the very basics of Python syntax before you dive deeper into your chosen area. Since it isn’t very motivating, you want to spend the minimum amount of time on this.
Resources to help you learn the basics
The following are some good resources that will help you learn the basics of Python programming:
Learn Python the Hard Way – This is a book that teaches Python concepts from the basics to more in-depth programs.
Dataquest – Python for Data Science Fundamentals Course – This online course on Dataquest teaches Python syntax in the context of learning data science.
The Python Tutorial – This is the tutorial on the main Python site.
You need to spend the minimum amount of time possible on basic syntax as the quicker you can get to work on projects, the faster you will learn Python programming.
Learn Python 3
It is also important to note that, when learning Python, you should learn Python 3 and not Python 2. Unfortunately, a lot of “learn Python” resources online still teach Python 2 which is something to keep an eye out for. Python 2 is no longer supported, so bugs and security holes will not be fixed as there are no updates.
Make structured projects
Once you have learned the basic syntax, you can start making projects on your own. As covered over at runrex.com, projects are a great way to learn as they let you apply your knowledge, and unless you apply your knowledge, it will be hard to retain it. Projects will push your capabilities, help you learn new things, and help you build a portfolio to show to potential employers. Start with structured projects.
Why structured projects?
As the gurus over at guttulus.com point out, when you start making projects and applying your Python knowledge, very freeform projects will be difficult for you and you will find yourself getting stuck a lot and needing to refer to the documentation. Because of this, it is usually better to make structured projects until you feel comfortable enough to make projects completely on your own.
Where can I find these structured projects?
From discussions over at runrex.com, the following are some good resources for structured projects in each area you may care about:
Data science/machine learning – some of the areas you can find structured projects include Dataquest, Scikit-learn documentation which is the main Python machine learning library, and CS109 which is a Harvard class that teaches Python for data science and has some of the class’s materials and projects online.
Mobile apps – Check out Kivy guide which is a tool that lets you make mobile apps with Python.
Websites – Check out resources like Flask Tutorial, Bottle Tutorial, both of which are popular web frameworks for Python, as well as How to Tango with Django which is a guide to using Django, a complex Python web framework.
Games – Check out resources like Code Academy and Pygame tutorials, a popular Python library for making games. You can also check out books like Making Games with Python and Invent your Own Computer Games with Python.
Hardware / Sensors / Robots – Check out resources like Using Python with Arduino, Learning Python with Raspberry Pi, Learning Robotics using Python, and Raspberry Pi Cookbook.
Scripts to automate your work – Automate the Boring Stuff with Python will help you learn how to automate day-to-day tasks using Python.
Once you have done a few structured projects on your own, you should be able to move on to working on your own projects.
Work on Python Projects on your own
Once you have completed some structured projects, it is time to work on projects on your own to continue to learn Python better. While you will still be consulting resources and learning concepts, you will be working on what you want to work on.
Feel comfortable with debugging first
Before you dive into working on your own projects, you should feel comfortable debugging errors and problems with your programs. To that effect, here are some resources you should be familiar with:
Stack Overflow – A community question and answer site where people discuss programming issues.
Google – Google is a very useful tool for any programmer trying to resolve errors
Python documentation – A good place to find reference material on Python.
Once you have a solid handle on debugging issues, you can start working on your own projects.
Tips on finding interesting projects
Here are some tips for finding interesting projects as per the experts over at guttulus.com:
Extend the projects you were working on previously, and add more functionality
Go to Python Meetups in your area, and find people who are working on interesting projects
Find open-source packages to contribute to
See if any local nonprofits are looking for volunteer developers
Find projects other people have made, and see if you can extend or adapt them. GitHub is a good place to find such projects.
Browse through other people’s blog posts to find interesting project ideas
Think of tools that would make your everyday life easier, and build them
Start small
As is revealed in discussions on the same over at runrex.com, you should start very small when it comes to your own projects. Start with things that are very simple so that you can gain confidence. It is better to start a small project that you finish than a huge project that never gets done.
Keep working on harder projects
According to guttulus.com, you should then keep increasing the difficulty level and scope of your projects. If you are completely comfortable with what you are building, then take it as a sign that you need to try something harder.
Continue learning
Python is always evolving and there are only a few people who can legitimately claim to completely understand the language; those that created it. Therefore, you will need to be constantly learning and working on projects if you are to become an expert in Python programming.
Pro tips to become an expert in Python programming
The above tips will help you learn Python. The following tips though will help you become an expert.
Begin with small exercises
If you are learning Python from scratch, then it is recommended that you begin with small exercises that will help you understand the concept of Python. Start with basic concepts like data structures, object-oriented programming, and writing classes.
Code everyday
Also, as is revealed over at runrex.com, you must code every day if you want to become an expert in Python programming. This will help you become better at coding while helping you avoid flaws and errors.
Get interactive
As the gurus over at guttulus.com point out, getting interactive is something that you must also consider. It is important to get hands-on interaction with the Python shell. To make use of this shell, which is also known as Python RFPL, you need to install Python on your system and then run Python 3. This step must be done in addition to your Python training course. The interactive Python shell will be one of your best learning tools.
Contribute to the open-source
It is also crucial that you contribute to the open-source which will help you gain complete insight into the concept and use of Python. As is discussed over at runrex.com, many Python libraries are open-source projects and take contributions. Many companies also publish open-source projects which means you can work with code written and produced by the engineers working in these companies.
Write it out
Taking notes by hand has been known to be extremely beneficial for long-term retention. This will be especially beneficial if you are working towards becoming a full-time developer as many interviews will involve writing code on a whiteboard.
Take breaks
Finally, when learning, it is important to step away and absorb the concepts. The technique that is most widely used is the Pomodoro Technique, where you work for 25 minutes, take a short break, and then repeat the process. taking breaks is crucial to having an effective study session, particularly when you are taking in a lot of new information.
Hopefully, these tips will help you become an expert in Python programming, with more on this topic to be found over at the top-rated runrex.com and guttulus.com.