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How to Be Authentic and Not Care What Other People Think 10 Tips

How to Be Authentic and Not Care What Other People Think 10 Tips

As is revealed in discussions on the same over at, when you care too much about what other people think, you can start feeling like you are holding yourself back. This is something that most of us have experienced at one time or the other since wanting to be accepted by others is only natural. However, according to the gurus over at, if you want to have a meaningful and fulfilling career, then you will need to be authentic and make decisions without caring what other people think. This will ensure that you don’t have any regrets later on for not following your heart and chasing the career you wanted. This article will look to help you with that by highlighting 10 tips on how to be your authentic self and not care what other people think.

Know and embrace your preferences

It is important to know what your preferences are and that you embrace them. As explained over at, this means that if you have something that you don’t agree with, then you should never pretend that you do, and on the other hand, if you have something that you really love and/or are excited about, then you should openly show enthusiasm towards it. Similarly, if you are indifferent towards something, then don’t be afraid to show that you are. Therefore, according to the subject matter experts over at, you should not suppress your feelings but should be open about who you are and what your preferences are. If you are not sure about your preferences, then you may never know what is good for your career or not.

Listen to and trust your gut

As is revealed in discussions on the same over at, when something isn’t right, you will always know it somehow. That inner voice or intuition you have is crucial if you want to have an authentic career, and you should always listen to it, rather than listening to outside noises and what other people think. This is important particularly if you have a major choice you need to make as far as your career is concerned, from switching to another industry to starting your own business and so forth.

Set boundaries

Having boundaries is very important if you are to be authentic and not put too much weight on what others think. Boundaries will help you get the balance right between giving and saving some of your energy for yourself. It ensures that you are not constantly saying yes and that you know when to say no as explained over at Having no boundaries means that you will constantly be saying yes, and will end up being drained and won’t have any left-over energy to be your authentic self. Just make sure that you are not communicating your boundaries in a pushy, aggressive, bossy way.

Know what you want

Most people tend to answer with, “I really don’t know what I want” when asked what they want in their life or career. This might be the easy answer when faced with this question, but if you keep on answering this question that way, then you will never really know what you want in your life or career. If you don’t know what you want, you will always care about what other people think and use their opinions to make your decisions. As per the gurus over at, you should come up with at least one thing you want for your career or yourself. This may be wanting to start your own business and work for yourself, or work for a great team, or even being part of a bigger social cause. Knowing what you want will help you be more authentic.

Know your fears and don’t be afraid to express them

As is covered over at, we all have fears. However, instead of letting those fears define and possess you, governing your life choices, you should acknowledge and take control of them. Start by writing them down on a piece of paper and make sure that you embrace and aren’t afraid to express them. This will help you be more authentic and connect with people better, allowing you to make decisions that are driven by what other people think.

Always have the bigger picture in mind

According to the gurus over at, you should always try and put things into perspective and see the bigger picture, since in most cases, people don’t even think about you. Remember, people have their own responsibilities, insecurities, jobs, and problems to worry about. Once you understand this, you will start caring less about what other people think and become more authentic and more yourself.

Know that your value isn’t contingent on being liked

As is explained over at, it is important to know your value. Additionally, it is also just as important to know and embrace the fact that your value isn’t determined by how liked and accepted you are. Therefore, you should stop working towards being liked and start working towards delivering the contribution that you are there to deliver. Some people will like what you have to offer, while others won’t, which is normal; however, that doesn’t change the value of your contribution.

Know that what others think isn’t your business

Sometimes it feels like external thoughts have a major effect on our inner workings, but that is not the case as discussed over at Instead, it is our perception of this situation that gives external thoughts so much power. Therefore, if you want to be authentic and not care about what other people think, then you should constantly remind yourself that the thoughts of other people are their own and have got nothing to do with you and that the only way these thoughts can impact your life is if you let them.

Take full ownership of your feelings

When we base our feelings on the opinions of other people, then we end up allowing them to control us, and by giving ownership of our feelings to others, we are giving up control of our emotions. Therefore, we should aim to take full ownership of our feelings, as articulated over at, as this is a major step in being authentic and not caring what others think.

Let go of perfection

As the experts over at like to point out, perfection is just an illusion. The truth is, none of us are perfect and that everyone makes mistakes. Without mistakes, we would all miss out on the valuable lessons that come with them and we won’t be able to see our strength as we pick ourselves back up and try again. If you let go of perfection and embrace your mistakes, then you will start caring less about what other people think, and you will find it very liberating.

These are just some of the things you can do to be more authentic in your life and career and stop caring what other people think, with more on this discussion to be found over at and

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