If you own a business today and have not tried Facebook ads, then trust me your marketing skills are questionable. Questionable because Facebook should be the priority to any serious business owner looking to promote the business. With over 1.9 active monthly active users, how can Facebook not be a priority when it comes to marketing? There is literally every type of audience online for any sort of product. People are spending more than 5 hours daily on Facebook and this should be the perfect opportunity for you as a marketer to promote your products and services via Facebook ads.
Facebook ads are incredibly cheap. They are cheaper than the other paid advertising avenues available online and this should give you a reason to start using them today. Besides their low cost, Facebook ads have been found to have better ROI compared to the other paid ads. This is attributed to the fact that the targeting capabilities of Facebook are exceptional. The Facebook algorithms let you single out the specific demographic that you feel will be interested in your product. You however need to know how to create effective Facebook ads if you are to make anything from the ads. Very many online marketers just create ads on Facebook without critically thinking about the target audience. This is why we decided to talk about creating effective Facebook ads. We talked to a revered SEO expert and online marketer who helped us come up with tips on how to create effective Facebook ads. Here are 10 tips on how to create Facebook ads as provided by none other than Tony Guo;
1. Highlight special offers in your ads
Rather than creating just generic ads with simple wording, opt for words and phrases that will highlight offers and special deals. People are more likely to click on ads which promise to offer discounts and deals on sales. Create your ads around these offers and you will realize a better click through rate.
2. Facebook offers capture attention effectively
Facebook created a feature that lets you promote a deal or an offer exclusive to Facebook users. Facebook will provide a Try Offer button together with an overview of what the offer is about. This helps attract attention to the ads and gives more people a reason to click on your ads.
3. Customize ad headlines
When creating a Facebook ad, try and type your own customized headline as this will help you grab more attention from users. A plain facebook ad will be quickly scrolled past and very people will even bother to read what it is about. Something unique however will help grab the attention of users
4. Select your bidding wisely
To better control your finances and advertising costs, it always advisable to choose your bid setups wisely. You can choose to bid for clicks, impressions or any Facebook specific objective like likes. Choose a bid option that not just saves on your finances but helps you get the desired returns on the investment. Remember than bidding for clicks and impressions gives more allowance for customization while bidding for likes will automatically be set up in a way that you will easily reach your objective.
5. Daily or lifetime budget?
Depending on the amount of funds you have at your disposal for advertising, you can choose between daily and lifetime budgets. Lifetime budgets are general cheaper when you consider the number of days the ads will run. Daily budgets on the other hand, allow for more customization and addition of new elements to your ads.
6. Use captivating images
Facebook ads with images get more engagement than those that are plainly texts. Images quickly grab the attention of the user and make them want to interact with the ad.
7. Use minimum text when using images as ads
It is actually a rule that you can only use upto 20% of all the image space when using image based Facebook ads. You therefore need to choose the best wording to pass your message across as quickly as possible without surpassing the allowed limit.
8. be specific on your target audience
Don’t just create an ad on Facebook. Create an ad and use the provided advanced targeting options to further target more audiences by their age, gender, language and so forth. Being more specific results in better ROI.
9. Don’t just target your friends
Most people when creating Facebook ads, choose to target only their old friends. This limits the number of people who are going to see your ads. You should instead target both your friends, their friends and those who are not connected to your page yet. This might cost a little more but it is worth it in the end.
10. Hide valuable content behind a like barrier. Hiding valuable content behind a like barrier will get more likes to your page Just make sure to include a colorful and captivating call to action graphic to seal the deal. By valuable content I mean the subscription fees and information that might make people want to avoid your ad at first glance.