How Much Do Nurses Make a Year in Houston Texas?
How Much Do Nurses Make a Year in Houston Texas?
The nursing profession is one of the most noble and most respected the world over with nurses being among the well paid professionals all the world over and it is the case in Houston Texas as well. On average nurses in Houston make some $71,000 per year which is healthy amount by any standards. It is so healthy, no pun intended, that nurses in Houston are paid on average per year 7 percent more than the average annual pay of their colleagues in the United States. However, there are those that earn more than the others in Houston Texas and this is due to different things and factors some of which are looked into below with more on the same discussed on bitgale.com
One of these said factors that come in consideration is the facility one is employed in. Those working in the big facilities usually earn on average much more than their colleagues who don’t in Houston. There are those high end facilities in Houston which pay as much as $90,000 per year to their nurses. They however have very stringent measures they have put in place to ensure they only select the crème de la crème in the field. On the other hand, there are those where getting employment isn’t as tough but they also don’t pay as well with others paying as low as $45,000 per year.
Another factor that usually comes into consideration when calculating how much a nurse in Houston Texas is likely to earn is the nursing level one has attained. These rank from the first level, the certified nursing assistant, all the way to the highest level, the registered nurse. Those in the highest level earn on average $76,500 per year which is little bit higher than the average salary of nurses in Houston while those in the first level get to take home an average of about $55,000 per year. Here there are no shortcuts or two ways about it, to get to the top there are certain tests that have to be taken and passed with those looking to be a registered nurse, RN, knowing that they have to pass the NCLEX.
Another factor that always has to come into play when delving into the issues concerning salaries per year for nurses in Houston Texas is the job title of a particular nurse. This is quite extensive with those who work as Geriatric registered nurses earning on average $70,000 per year for example with the highest paid ones the ones dealing in occupational health taking home on average close to $85,000 per year in Houston Texas. The highly specialized nurses that deal with matters dialysis take home a kitty of just about $71,000 per year on average. These are at the sharp end of the salary spectrum which means those that are on the opposite end of the same spectrum earn significantly less. As is expected in a field dealing in human health, to climb up the ladder is purely based on merit and one has to go through the requisite qualifications to get into that higher wage bracket, no two ways about it.
The level of education is something that also has to come into consideration when looking to compute salaries for nurses in the Houston area. First and foremost, for one to reach the stage where one qualifies to do the NCLEX one has to either have a bachelor’s of science in nursing or an associate’s degree in nursing. This is the minimum entry level if one is looking to be a registered nurse. These are the ones that earn up to an average of $71,000 per year. There are however those that look to extend their educational levels. For those the highest level they can climb to, the top of the mountain as it were, is the doctor of nursing practice. This is for those purely with a clinical focus. Those with the doctorate are the ones that push the $100,000 barrier per year in terms of salaries. They are the ones who also find themselves getting the plump positions up the nursing ladder as well with more on this educational angle explored in much more detail on runrex.com
When looking at how much nurses make in Houston, the matter of the metropolis itself cannot be ignored. Houston historically has had a shortage of nurses for a while now and that goes to explain that the average of $71,000 per year is at 7% above the national average. This shortage means that nurses in Houston are among the best paid in the country and as long as someone has the right qualifications, then they are likely to find a gig that pays more than the corresponding job in most parts of the country. These factors help to show how much nurses earn in Houston Texas but there is always more to be uncovered on this and then some. This can be made possible by visiting the always reliable bitgale.com as well as runrex.com