How much do digital marketing specialists make a year in Houston Texas?
How much do digital marketing specialists make a year in Houston Texas?
When it comes to digital marketing, the online platform holds all the cards and it is often up to the respective professionals to utilize the skillset they have to make the difference. Platforms including runrex.com have been categorical in reporting that digital marketing specialists are among the most notable forces in the digital world as their role is to make websites and businesses stand out and thereby bridge the gap between entities and the target audience.
Digital marketing specialists in Houston, Texas make an average of $50,025 a year which can be identified as being 2% above the national average that is set at $48,946. There are several branches under the banner of digital marketing specialists and they include Internet marketing specialist, Digital communication specialist and Digital market researcher. All the titles however have one thing in common and that is the responsibility of driving traffic to conversions.
A Digital marketing manager makes $72,000 a year, Digital marketing analyst $50,000, Digital marketing coordinator $50,000 while a digital marketing strategist makes an average of $52,000. While some get additional compensations, the gist remains that digital marketing specialists have a great role within the online marketing world since they are charged with combining the use of SEO, shopping feeds, PPC, social media and display media in advertising.
Factors affecting salaries
Digital marketing specialists have a lot of factors riding on their eventual salary package and they serve to enhance the capacity of service delivery in the same wavelength.
Mid-career experience skews the salary package by 32% while entry level experience affects by 10%. Of the available digital marketing specialists in Houston, Texas, 54% are female while 46% are male. In a more in-depth contrast, approximately 5% of digital marketing specialists have less than a year, those with 1-4years account for 60% while those with 5-9 and above years of experience make up 35% of the professional pool.
The bonuses owing to performance of select marketing campaigns also affect the bottom-line when it comes to the salary setting. The bonuses are a significant contributor to the remuneration package as with every success, the percentage rises well above the average.
Expectations of a digital marketing specialist
Developing marketing campaigns
Digital marketing specialists are expected to develop marketing campaigns and streamline the same to a level where they are beneficial to the client. It takes a huge amount of work and creativity to develop winning campaigns and this is what is expected of digital marketing specialists.
Implementing advertising strategies
The task of implementing advertising strategies is always left to the digital marketing specialists since they are the professionals that have the skilled outlook needed to give the strategies an added capacity.
Managing marketing campaigns
The role of managing marketing campaigns is usually a demanding one given the fact that it requires regular monitoring added to the adjusting of strategies for effective results. Management of marketing campaigns is a delicate role and this is why it is expected that digital marketing specialists handle it with the required professionalism to increase the odds of success within the online setting.
Creating brand awareness
Promoting brand awareness is not an easy task and it requires the continued coordination and leadership hat digital marketing specialists are able to offer seamlessly. The process demands that recruitment and development of digital strategies is done perfectly to enhance the online presence of the select brands.
Driving traffic within the digital sphere
Many believe driving traffic through the digital sphere to be a straightforward process but there are several considerations and intricate aspects that have to be taken into account and this is where digital marketing specialists make their mark. Initiating effective marketing to ensure traffic is taken through the conversion tunnel is the role that a digital marketing specialist has to take on.
Job description
Digital marketing specialists carry the responsibilities as analytics manager, content manager, CRM manager and as the overall digital account managers. As captured by bitgale.com which is an authoritative site in matters digital marketing, a digital marketing specialist is also expected to be an avid copywriter, search manager and social media manager since the success of the advertising strategies depend on the wholesome operation of the aforementioned pathways.
Key skills
Digital marketing specialists have to exhibit specific key skills that are core to the operations of digital marketing strategies. The key skills include an understanding of the basics of marketing, time management and most notably the creative angle that brings forth the new approach that the target audience needs. Good presentation skills also make the cut since they mean a professional will be able to use key measurement tools to structure marketing strategies. One of the standout skills that define a digital marketing specialist is the ability to advocate for brands and create a social presence that can adapt to the trends.