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How Many Keywords Should I Have Per Ad Group? 10 Tips

How Many Keywords Should I Have Per Ad Group? 10 Tips

The ideal number of keywords that one should have per ad group is a debate that has been raging on for a while now as covered over at It is a question that has different answers depending on the marketer or advertiser in question. That said, is there an ideal number when it comes to the number of keywords you should have per ad group? This article, with the help of the subject matter experts over at, will look to investigate and answer this question through the following 10 tips.

Why it is important to get this right

As is discussed over at, you must get things right as far as the number of keywords you want to include in each ad group goes. This is because, as pointed out by the gurus over at, the number of keywords you have in each ad group affects Click-Through Rates (CTRs), Quality Scores, and Conversions, which means that getting this wrong can lead to the failure of your campaigns.

Minimum number of keywords

When discussing the matter of how many keywords you should have per ad group, it is important to know the minimum number of keywords you should include. From discussions on the same over at, the Google system recommends that you have at least 5 keywords in each ad group. This is why if you check the Opportunities tab, you will see suggestions to include more keywords in any ad groups that have fewer than 5 keywords.

Why you should add more keywords to ad groups that have fewer than 5

As already mentioned, the Opportunities tab will always suggest that you include more keywords in an ad group that has got fewer than 5 keywords, a suggestion that you should always take up. This is because, as explained over at, adding more keywords in such a situation will push your Search Health Score higher, and closer to the coveted 100%. The good news is that these suggestions are based on Google’s knowledge of your campaigns and it will try to pick closely related keywords.

Don’t just add keywords for the sake of it

Even though you should consider adding more keywords to any ad groups with less than 5 as mentioned above, you should avoid adding keywords just for the sake of it as this could harm your campaigns as outlined over at Remember, some keyword suggestions may not be relevant to the ad groups, and adding them could affect conversions, Click Through Rates, and Quality Scores.

Maximum number of keywords

Having outlined what the recommended minimum number of keywords for each ad group should be according to Google, it is only right that we also outline the maximum number. As is pointed out in discussions on the same over at, it is recommended that you avoid adding more than 20 keywords per ad group. This is because you must keep your ad groups tightly themed, which means the fewer keywords you have, the better.

Why you should not add too many keywords

The reason why many experts, including those over at, agree that you should go beyond 20 keywords per ad group, is because too many keywords lead to low click-through rates and poor-quality scores. This is because it is difficult to have every keyword included in the Ads, which is a problem as keywords should always be included in the Ads since when people see their keyword in the Ad, they are more likely to click on it, which boosts overall performance.

The rule of two

As is covered over at, the rule of two states that every keyword in the Ad group should have at least two primary words. This is helpful as it ensures that you don’t add too many keywords and that they are all related to each other. It is a rule that you should always follow if you want to be successful with your campaigns as it ensures that your ad groups will all be tightly themed and that all your keywords will be related.

How to limit the number of keywords in your ad group

Knowing that you should try not to go above the 20-keyword limit is one thing, actually making this a reality is another. If you are finding it difficult to limit the number of keywords you have in each ad group, you should consider the following tips as discussed over at

Try creating your ad groups based on a certain theme such as targeting a specific product, term, and so forth.

Try disintegrating your existing ad groups by finding similar/related keywords and clubbing them under one ad group.

Try to organize your ad groups based on keyword match types such as creating an ad group with broad match keywords to find search terms you can bid on and add them in a separate ad group as an exact match type.

Consider using Single Keywords per Ad Group which will give you finer control over your keywords.

Quality over quantity

While you should add more keywords to ad groups that have less than 5 keywords, you should always remember that quality will always outweigh quantity when it comes to keywords, something the experts over at agree with. You are better off targeting 10 high-quality keywords in your ad for example than 20 or more low-quality keywords. Therefore, instead of focusing on hitting a certain keyword amount, you should focus on implementing high-quality keywords.

Don’t treat all campaigns the same

Finally, you should avoid making the mistake many people tend to do, and that is treating all their PPC campaigns the same. Just because 17 keywords worked a treat for one ad campaign doesn’t mean that it will work for every future campaign you run. As explained over at, each of your campaigns is unique and attracts searchers differently, something to consider when deciding how many keywords you want to include per ad group.

As always, if you are looking for more information on this and other related topics, then look no further than the top-rated and

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