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How Many Golf Balls Do You Need for A Round of Golf?

How Many Golf Balls Do You Need for A Round of Golf?

Are you about to go on a golfing vacation but you are unsure of how many golf balls you should carry? For those that are not ardent golfers, this is probably the most critical issue that they have to ask themselves, every time they are planning to go golfing. After all, nobody wants to run out of golf balls. However, nobody wants to have to carry around a bulky bag filled with golf balls they will not need. 

To deal with this problem, we at RunRex have taken some time to analyze the issue. To help you determine approximately how many golf balls you will need for every round of golf here are some tips. 

  1. What Kind of Player Are You?

Are you a risk taker or do you tend to be conservative when playing golf? Depending on the kind of player you think you are, this will have a significant influence on the number of balls you should bring. 

Besides that, you need to ask yourself how many golf balls you lose in a typical round of golf. Are you one of those exceptional golfers who has not missed a shot in the least five years? Some players will play a round of golf without losing a single ball while they will lose multiple balls in other shots for the same hole. 

If you have been playing golf for a while now, take time to analyze your game and think about what an average round of golf looks like for you. If you have never thought of it before, now would be a good time to start thinking about it and trying to keep count of average losses. 

  1. Think About the Circumstances

Circumstances should have a significant influence on the number of balls you bring. Think about what the round of golf is likely to be. For instance, is it just a fun round with you and some of your friends or is it a serious tournament round. If you are participating in a competitive golfing event, you will probably want to bring extra balls. It could be quite disastrous if you run out of golf balls in a tournament. 

  1. What Is the Weather Like?

If you have to pack any raingear for your round of golf, you will also need to pack extra golf balls as well. When playing in gale winds and torrential downpour, there is a good chance that quite a few strokes will be added to the score. When playing in rainy weather, there is a good chance of balls off course and landing inside water hazards. 

  1. It Is Better to Be on The Safe Side

You do not need to be a genius to know that coming with three golf balls to a round of golf is probably the worst idea you could have. Yes, there are some easy golf courses that you can play with three balls and get it over with. However, the best way to do it is to come with at least four extra balls, in case things do not work out as you had planned. 

Do not be that guy who spends twenty minutes looking for their ball in the woods while three other groups are waiting on the tee. It is better to have your friends making fun of you for bringing a dozen balls than being disqualified because you run out of balls. Always be wise when playing a round of golf, even a friendly one. 

  1. Confidence Should Guide You

Let this article not cause you to overthink about your next round of golf. Ironically, if you overthink, about how many balls you should bring, you will play worse and lose even more balls. That is the beauty of this game, the less you stress about it, the better you can play golf. If you start thinking too hard about how many golf balls you have remaining, how you may miss this shot, and so on, you will lose the chance. 

Golf is a game of being confident. Trust your experience and any training you may have had in golf. Ensure that you are not tense when taking a shot. You may even find that you end up using less than half of all the balls you brought with you to the golf course. 

  1. Ask Your Friends

You no doubt have some friends that are about the same level in golf as you. Call them and ask how many golf balls they carry to a typical round. You can also ask them about the upcoming golf course at which you will play. If it is a challenging course, you will probably need more golf balls.


 This few tips should be more than sufficient to help you come with the right number of balls the next time you go golfing with your buddies. 

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