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How job security motivates employees? 10 tips

How job security motivates employees? 10 tips

Job security is a crucial component at the workplace as it is what keeps employees performing and it is also a crucial factor when it comes to motivation for the job. Recently, employers are just beginning to notice how job security impacts productivity and directs the motivation that employees carry at the workplace. As reported at, job security has a huge bearing as to the motivation employees will have and it is the role of an employer to identify how to manage the aspect of job security to maximize on productivity and motivation.

What is job security

Job security can be described as job assurance in the sense that an employee is guaranteed continuity of gainful employment. It can also be captured in a protracted angle where it is seen as prevention from arbitrary termination, layoffs and lockouts. But what is it about job security that gives employees the drive to deliver? First of all, job security ensures that employees are better placed to achieve career goals in the sense that they will focus more on growing their skillset as opposed to worrying about the status of their job. Another factor that employees consider most when it comes to job security is the better financial position they are able to enjoy when they have security of tenure. With a better financial position, it is possible to make long term plans and therefore settle well into the specific roles assigned. When an employee feels that they have job security locked, they are better placed to gain marketable skills and thereby grow within a role thereby becoming a worthy asset to the company or business.

What defines an employee with job security

It is easy to identify the employees that have been granted job security and this is majorly exposed in their handling of roles and performance. Among the most notable pointers include:

Staying on top of commitments

Employees with job security are characterized as staying on top of commitments since they believe in the vision and mission of the business.

Focusing on company goals

Job security inspires employees to focus on company goals and strive to deliver on the same to ensure the bottom-line is achieved seamlessly

Utilizing expertise

When employees know they have their jobs secured, it is easier to have them utilizing their expertise to the full potential possible.

Growing skillset

Happy employees with security of tenure are more likely to want to grow their skillset to better their productivity within the organization.

Drive to achieve

Job security undoubtedly impacts employees by giving them the drive to deliver and achieve above and beyond what is asked of them.

Tips to capture job security

With this tips, an organization can easily communicate the aspect of job security to the employees and thereby aid the organization grow as a result.

Allow employees to learn

Employees are very interesting in the sense that they can identify when they are being valued and you can capture this by allowing them to learn and have increased responsibilities.

Give stock options

One major way to provide the aspect of job security is to give stock options to employees. This ensures that they feel part of the company and thereby secure about their position. 

Improve employee engagement

Employee engagement is a crucial aspect of job security. When there is much interaction, then employees are bound to know that their position is valued within the organization. Appreciation and recognition are core factors that help with the aspect of job security. Helping with personal problems also helps in making employees believe they have the ear of the company.

Provide retention bonuses

Most employers fail in this respect since they fail to honor the loyalty and commitment of the employees. Providing retention bonuses keeps employees loyal and focused.

Promote career trajectory

When an organization promotes the career trajectory of the employees, the sense of job security is captured since the employees get the idea that the company values their development.

Reward growth within the roles

This can be done with good wages and proper remuneration for the growth established within the specific roles that the organization has assigned to the specific employees. 

Encourage focus on career goals

By choosing to allow employees to focus on career goals, it transforms them from workers to part of the company and his cultivates job security over time.

Reward productivity

Make the employees pride in what they do and this can be done through higher compensation. Low compensation brings about vengeful employees that tend to search for better opportunities elsewhere where they will find job security more forthcoming. 

Place value on employee input

The important thing here is to make them feel a part of the team and grow with them as you value what they bring to the table.   

Have layoff policies in place

Having a layoff policy in place is an important factor and it should be based on productivity and not seniority or any other illogical measure. This will ensure that employees do not fear for their jobs and instead concentrate on making their efforts rank since they will know their jobs are secured in doing so.

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