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How generation Z differs from Millennials

How generation Z differs from Millennials 

Millennials have been touted as being the most dominant generation when it comes to changing values and technology but the real holders of that title are about to be announced with the advent of generation Z. there are stark differences between generation Z and the millennials and it is interesting to discover the same and identify how they combine to define the identities of both generations. The differences are very instrumental when it comes to adjusting leadership, preparing business and adapting the recruiting channels. Among the elements that make generation Z differ from millennials include:

On-demand learning 

Generation Z have perfected the aspect of on-demand learning which is a massive shift from what millennials are about. Millennials are more about receiving a formal education but generation Z try to get on-demand learning depending on what their immediate role demands which is then geared towards ensuring they are effective in every role they assume.

Better at multi-tasking

The beauty with generation Z is that they are adept when it comes to using technology to their advantage. This makes them effective which means they become better in multi-tasking and accomplishing set targets with ease.

They are global citizens 

While millennials are more of global spectators, generation Z individuals can be classified as global citizens since they network and enhance their reach with every passing day. Especially with their inclination to interact with their peers in a fluid manner, generation Z ranks as the most interactive group yet.

Better time-managers  

They can shift seamlessly from taking leisure time to working on a project. Even though there are multiple distractions owing to technological devices, generation Z is better at time management and this makes them very effective in delivering on the tasks they have in play.

Want more out of life   

Generation Z have higher expectations and are more ambitious than millennials. The unique aspect about generation Z is that they place a higher premium on their time and passion which means they seek to have more out of life.

They are focused 

With millennials allowing the varied elements going on in their lives to be a distraction from what their goals and objectives are, generation Z is more focused on what they have set out to achieve. Attention spans for generation Z individuals are more acute in the sense that they are inspired to have total dedication to tasks at hand.

Are early starters 

Generation Z are early starters and are always willing to target the entrepreneurial pathways that will get them ahead in life. This ensures they target the leadership qualities that aid them in the future life.

Have entrepreneurial spirit 

Generation Z are the most entrepreneurial when considered against the previous generations. They are inclined to find the chances to start a business and grow it since they believe in their abilities to become leaders which translates to them making a difference.

Value independence 

Generation Z value independence and always look to work on projects so that their talent and passion can stand out. As opposed to millennials who hide under the roof of collaborative effort, generation Z individuals always go for an independent approach.

Prefer saving culture 

Generation Z prefer to save money and spend it wisely as opposed to millennials who spend boldly and with reckless abandon at times. Generation Z have grown up in recession periods so are more inclined to be protective of their economic world.

Prefer online shopping 

Generation Z will virtually shop for everything on the online platform as opposed to the millennials who as much as they embraced online shopping also targeted malls and other convenience shops. This makes generation Z prefer the online shopping experience.

Inclined to co-create content 

Millennials were characterized as watching YouTube and other channeled content but generation Z is more focused on co-creating content and live streaming for the rest of the world. This is mainly inspired by the desire to tell their own story.

Sports and fitness are for health and not recreation 

Generation Z view sports and fitness plans as health tools as opposed to millennials who took to sports and adventure as entertainment angles. This makes generation Z lack the threshold physical fitness and health levels.

Are more competitive 

Generation Z are more competitive especially at the workplace. They are focused on being the standout employees who deliver on set targets seamlessly and this makes them worthy employees.

Prefer face to face communication 

It is a massive shift from what millennials were characterized to prefer. Generation Z prefer face to face communication which in their view articulates matters and provides grounds for effective relay of ideas and information. In-person discussions are more appealing to generation Z.

Are more realistic 

Where millennials were just optimistic especially with their baby boomer parents giving them the “egg-shell” treatment, generation Z are more realistic in terms of what they expect from life. They are more accommodative and realistic in terms of life aspirations and overall potential of prosperity.

Considered digital natives 

When placed in sharp contrast, generation Z are digital natives while millennials are digital pioneers. Generation Z are more inclined to always seek and update their technology than millennials. In line with digital savviness, platforms like offer the best view on how to adopt technology for betterment of the daily experiences.

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