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How does summer camp work? 7 Ways

How does summer camp work?  7 Ways

Summer camp can seem a bit mysterious if you have never been there. That is why we at RunRex want to do more than just ship your luggage to summer camp. We want to help you understand how it works. That way, we hope that some of the anxiety you may have about attending a summer camp will be alleviated. 

You Get to Meet some Awesome People

At home, you may only be limited to meeting people that you have known since you were born. However, at a summer camp, things are quite different. You will get to interact with some awesome people. Some of these people will be among the most wonderful that you ever met. In some cases, couples have met at summer camp and fell in love. If you are lucky, it could the place you get to meet someone you love and cherish for the rest of your life. 

Everything is Done with Strict timelines

If keeping time has never been a strength of yours, summer camp could be quite helpful. At some camps, there is a bell to wake the campers so that they can get their breakfast. You will soon find that you are forced to adjust to the timelines set by the camp rules. Otherwise, you may never get to have any fun at the summer camp. It is an important lesson that will stick with you for the rest of your life. 

Everyone Gets to Choose what to Do

At a typical summer camp, you get to choose from over ten activities being done in a week. That way, you are never bored. It is important to use this as an opportunity to try things you have never done before in your life. You could end up discovering talents that you never thought you had. For instance, if you have never been a good swimmer, summer camp may be a great place to learn. Most summer camps will have experienced instructors that are willing to teach you. It will be an opportunity for you to hone your swimming skills. You may even find that swimming and other watersports are things that you enjoy doing. 

Everyone is Assigned a Cabin

At summer camp, you will have to stay with three to five other people in a cabin. During this time, you will have an opportunity to interact and share experiences with each other. If you have never been good at socializing, this will be the perfect opportunity for you to hone your skills. Besides that, you will learn about sharing when you live with others in the cabin. For instance, you will learn that you have to share the shelf space with others in the cabin. These are all important lessons that people carry with them into adulthood. 

Emotional Muscles are challenged

At a summer camp, kids face all kinds of hurdles. Firstly, they have to deal with being far away from their parents. Additionally, they have to deal with other kids that may not always agree with what they have to say. Their time at summer camp can be quite challenging. By being often challenged at the summer camp, their mental muscles will develop and become quite strong. The result is that when they are slighted in future, they will have more resilience. This lesson is quite important for a young kid. The reason in that life is not fair. If they expect everyone to always, agree with them as adults, they may not succeed in life.

It Teaches Kids Self Confidence

One of the main lessons that kids take away from summer camp is self-confidence. At home, even a simple task may require the endless cajoling and support of parents. As a result, kids are not sure if they can succeed in anything unless their parents are there to support them. However, summer camp teaches kids that they can still succeed even when mom and dad are not present. It gives them the self-confidence they need to try different things in life. It is among the most important skills that all campers take back home with them. It allows them to venture into different areas of life that are promising but require a lot of self-confidence. Taking kids to a summer camp is setting them up for future success. 

Kids are Brought Closer to God And Taught About Christian Values

If you take your kids to a Christian summer camp, Jesus will be at the fore of many things that they do. They are taught about how Jesus made sacrifices for humanity. They also get to learn about how to live like Christians. If you would like your kids to develop a close relationship with Jesus, you should take them to a summer camp. That way, they will develop into better human beings. As a result, they may end up having a positive impact on the world and especially to the people close to them. Even if they are not Christians, learning Christian values is never bad for any child. It might just be what they need to succeed in life. 

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