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Hit Straight with the 15 Best Golf Swing Tips Ever

Hit Straight with the 15 Best Golf Swing Tips Ever

When you hit the course to play golf, you will realize that hitting the ball is not just a random thing. For you to have perfect swings, you have to practice and perfect the techniques in place. Here are 15 golf swing tips RunRex has for you to help you improve your swing. 

1.    Always use the right club 

When you ask any golfer what the main components of a perfect swing are, the right club is always on the list. The different golf clubs in the golf bag have different functions, and it is important that you use the right club for the right reason.

2.    Your stance 

Even before you start you swing, get into the right stance position. Your legs should be shoulder-width apart, your legs slightly bent, your spine straight and your body relaxed. Perfecting your stance can take some time but when you perfect it, you will have a much easier time hitting clean shots.

3.    Get a good grip on the club

You need to have full control of the golf club if you want to hit the ball correctly. First hold the golf club naturally then get a grip. You can choose to use the interlocking grip, the baseball grip or the Vardon grip. The Vardon grip is the most common among golfers, but your choice should be the one that you are most comfortable using. 

4.    Keep your hands low

By lowering your hands, the ball will fly a bit lower, and most of its power will be used to drive it further rather than higher. As such, lower your hands by moving the ball slightly back in your stance. Your follow through is important here. The higher the height of your follow through the higher the ball will rise and, consequently, the shorter the distance you will drive the ball. 

5.    Shot power should be from your body and not your hands

Most players make the mistake of using their arms to power the ball rather than their body. Practicing to power your swing with your body can be quite a task, and it takes a lot of time to practice. However, when you finally get it, you will definitely notice the improvement on your swing. 

6.    Hinge your wrist for power

Hinging your wrist can give you a solid contact and more control of the ball. For a proper hinge, your left arm should form a 45-degree angle with the club shaft with the club shaft being perpendicular to the ground. A proper hinge will give you more distance and direction control.

7.    Take your time

Most golfers, especially the beginners, tend to rush their swing. Swinging fast and hard can drive the ball far but that sacrifices the direction and accuracy of the shot. As such, take time with your shot and hit correctly even if for a shorter distance. With constant practice, you will improve your shot distance. 

8.     Calm takeaway 

When your hands are too active on the takeaway, it is likely that your club will be off-plane when you finish your backswing. It is, therefore, advisable that you keep your hands calm during the takeaway. Your shoulders should be the active parts instead. 

9.    Do not rush your backswing

When your rush your backswing, then the timing of your shot is completely disoriented, and you are more likely to hit a poor shot. Use a natural swing speed and don’t rush. 

10.    Use your hips to maximize performance 

Sliding occurs even to the pro golfers. When taking your swing, purpose to turn your hips instead of sliding on the backswing. The angle of your back leg should be constant throughout your backswing. 

11.     Maintain your balance throughout your swing

A slight shift in your body balance while taking your shot will alter the direction. Balance comes with proper weight distribution. Most of your weight should be shifting from your front leg to your back leg. It also takes practice to perfect. 

12.    Never forget the follow through 

Every shot should have a follow through. The follow through grants your more control on the direction of the ball. When getting into position, have a target and when you hit the ball, finish your swing with a follow through in the target direction.

13.    Play within your level

If you are still learning and you want to swing like Tiger Woods, you will end up hitting poor shots with every swing you take. As such, work within your abilities as you grow. Perfect your swing with short distances first and increase the distance as you get better.

14.    Be confident

Even with the basics at hand, if you lack confidence, your shots will still be poor. Get into position, have your basics right and confidence high then hit the shot. 

15.    Practice constantly 

You cannot play golf once a month and expect to improve your swing. Even the best in the sports practice daily. If yean for a good swing, include practice in your daily schedule.

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