Fire Emblem Three Houses Tea Guide
Fire Emblem Three Houses Tea Guide
If you have played Fire Emblem Three Houses then you may have found out that as important as commanding your house on the battlefield is, building support levels and rank with the other characters of the game is just as important to your success as far as the game goes. There are of course a number of avenues available to players as far as this is concerned, as covered in detail over at runrex.com, from returning their lost items or even getting them the right gifts and many others. Of all these ways available to you, tea parties are probably the easiest and arguably the most effective of them all. Here, you can be able to hold a tea party as the player and then invite a character to join you in the fun. You usually get to only invite characters that are in your house for these tea parties although you can be able to invite those characters that are not in your house if your support level is high enough. Tea parties however in this game is not as simple as it may seem; where you just get to invite a character and reap the benefits that are there to be had from these tea parties. There is obviously more to this element of the game. The issue for most players is that this element of the game is not explained with great detail and most of them are left in the dark as far as it is concerned. This is where this article comes in as it will look to go into detail on this element of the game in what we hope will be your tea guide as far as Fire Emblem Three Houses goes.
As mentioned above, characters from other houses can indeed join your tea parties too if you have a high enough support level. What we mean by a high enough support level is those players with a support level of C and above. This means that you can look to raise the support level of a character from another house who you love with the aim of inviting them to your tea party. Another thing that we are going to look at as far as tea parties in Fire Emblem Three Houses is concerned is on the stats that are gained from these tea parties. Here, as is covered in detail over at runrex.com, the stats you stand to gain are Charm Stat as well Bonds, of course. Another thing that players need to know about these parties is as pertains to character availability. The availability of characters is random which means you shouldn’t be surprised if your invitation is rejected. A useful trick here is to reload the game if your invitation is rejected if you don’t want to wait until the same character is available again, especially if you have your heart set on them as the character you want to bond with.
Another thing worth knowing about tea parties in this game is that you are free to invite characters over and over again. This means that if you are looking to spend all your activity points on one character, you are free to do so. As far as unlocking the tea part element of the game goes, you can do so by completing the side quest by Ferdinand, known as “Tea for Two”. Doing this quest immediately from the get go will allow you to take advantage of the tea party, and therefore the benefits that come with it. Here, you will be required to successfully respond correctly to three prompts that may appear at any given time. Your level of success as far as your tea party is concerned revolves around how many prompts or questions you can be able to answer successfully, and this is something that is covered in detail over at runrex.com
The next thing we are going to look at is on the importance of finding the right tea in the game. The type of tea is very important as it will dictate the success of your tea party. If you are to get Extra Time with your character for example, which is a sign of a successful party, then you will need to get this right and that is why it is important to know the taste of the character. It is important to use the character’s favorite tea if your tea party is to be successful. The number of conversations you will have also depends on whether or not you get them correct. The maximum is of course 4, as is covered in detail over at runrex.com and to get the right answers depends on whether or not you know that particular character’s personality. If you are looking to acquire tea, then you can do so within the walls of the monastery, through rewards from defeating enemies or completing quests as well as buying from merchants. The best way to acquire tea is to complete the “Clearing the Way” quest which allows you unlock two new tea selling merchants. One of these merchants actually sells an unlimited supply of tea leaves.
That is the tea, as they say as far as the guide to tea parties in Fire Emblem Three Houses goes, with there being more to be found on this topic over at runrex.com