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Easement by Express Agreement

License: O’s revocable invitation to others for limited access to P  ▶ Servitude: creates art or obligation re: P that “runs with the land”  Easement: right you give another to use your land in a certain way;     ▪ Excpn: Negative Esmt (eg, solar, historic, conserv’n); act like RCs Real Covenant: obligates you to use/not-use your land certain way;
▪ Equitable Svtd: like RC; easier to create, injunction rather than dmgs. ▶ Ignore: constructive trust, profit a prendre
Easement intended to be a permanent interest; ▶ License—even extended over time—revocable at O’s will.
Easement by Express Agreement
▶ Same as any other interest in land—    by a deed that complies w/ Statute of Frauds!

▪ You put it in writing,
Specify parties & what you’re conveying,
▪ Use words of conveyance,
▪ Grantor signs it.   Easement by Express Agreement
You can “Grant” an E:    ▪ Independently    –Rt of Way across land for use as footpath
▪ In larger conveyance    –Sell rear lot w/ esmt over front driveway
You can “Reserve” an E: When you convey land but keep right of access for yourself –Sell land but reserve esmt to continue using footpath –Sell front lot and reserve esmt over driveway to access main road
Reserve E in a 3d party?
Affirmative & Negative Easements
Affirmative esmts: (vast majority!) confer aright to someone else to do something affirmative on your land
▪ pass over it (to get to the road or lake, etc.)    ▪ dig under it (to get to buried power/sewer lines, etc.)
Negativeeasements: (generally disfavored & unenforceable) give someone else aright to restrict what you can do on own land.
Why traditional hostility to negative esmts? ▶ Still, a few exceptions to the rule…  examples?
Permissible Negative Easements
For Lateral Support   ▪ Why needed? What about CL duty of support?
For Light and Air ▪ For the Prah’s and Eden Roc’s of the world! To prevent interference w/ Flow of Water or Aqueduct ▪ If Armstrong culvert delivered water other direction
If I want an easement from neighbor to forever     prevent her from painting her house purple?

Easememts(“esmts”) v. Covenants(“RCs”)
If it’s an affirmative right for someone    ▪ to do somethingon someone else’s land:    (eg, walk, drive, or dig on it…) →Easement
If it’s an obligation that:   restricts what O does on own land (no X-mas lts)     or requires O to do something in light of ownershp      (e.g., pay dues, groom bushes…) →Covenant
▪ (NB: or one of the permitted Negative Easements)
Easements & The Statute of Frauds?
▶ SOF applies as much to grants of esmts as to other interests in land…
▶ …but a few important exceptions:
Easement by Estoppel
Easement by Necessity
Easement Implied by Prior Use
“When is a Revocable License NOT a Revocable License?”
▶ KY SCT: “[W]here a license is not a bare, naked right of entry, but includes the right to… construct[] improvements thereon,
▶ “the licensor may not revokethe license and restore his premises to their former condition afterthe licensee has exercised the privilege given by the license and erected the improvements at considerable expense.”
In other words…

“When is a Revocable License NOT a Revocable License?”
▶ Normally,licensor may revoke license at will, and     if L’ee presumes otherwise, out of luck! But if…
W/L’or’s knowledge, L’ee makes costly invstmnt that only make sense if the license is perpetual, then burden shifts to L’or to clarify if isn’t!
▶ L’or must put a quick stop to L’ee’s investment  or surrender the revocabilityof the license.

The Oxymoron of the Irrevocable License: The Doctrine of “Easement by Estoppel”
▶ Like promissory estoppel: when someone else relies on your promise to her detriment, the law forces you to make good on your promise!
But did the Holbrooks actually promise anything?

Promises in Easement by Estoppel
Words Mixed w/ Deeds” can create
reasonable expectationsof continued access
▪ that—when detrimentally relied upon—
▪ function legally like a promise.

Dangers of this rule?
Why have it?
Cf. Adverse Possession

Who Should Bear the Loss?
If both parties are really at fault…
Why reward T’s dangerous assumption… (of continued access to road)
…over H’s dangerous assumption (that T understood license was revocable)???
Why not place the burden on the licensee?
  1. Private Land Use Controls
  1. Licenses
  2. Easements
Easements Rights arising from a grant of a right by one L to another Creation and termiatnion. An easement can be created by an express agreement, estoppels, implication from an existing use when land is divided, by necessity when land is divided, and by prescription.  Intro Definition: An easement is a grant of an interest in land that entitles a person to use land possessed by another. Types of Easements (affirmative/negative) Affirmativeowner of an AE has the right to go onto the land of another (servient land) and do some act.  NegativeO of NE can PREVENT owner of servient ladn from doing some act on the servient land. Rare. Easements appurtenant or in gross (all easements are either appurtenant to toehr land or in gross) Easement appurtenant: If an easement benefits its owner in the use of another tract of land, it’s appurtenant to that land. Land benefited is dominant estate, land burdened is servient estate.  Easement in gross: If an easement does not benefit its owner in the use and enjoyment of his land, but merely gives him the right to use the servient land, easement is in gross.  in gross only means easement is not appurtenant.  Easement appurtenant favored: if ambiguous, appurtenant is favored.  Why? ONE:  Intent. Parties usually have in mind that easement will benfit a tract of land. If the benefit of the easement will be more useful to a successor owner of that tract than to original owner of easement after he sells the tract, this indicates the parties intended an appurtenant easement.  TWO: land value is increased. EA increase total value of land. In gross does not increase the value of land, and it in fact decreases the total value of land by the amount of damage to the servient tenement.  Easement is interest in land. Burden passes to subsequent owners of the servient land.  Easement v. License Licensepermission to go on land belonging to licensor. Revocable at will of licensor.
Creation of Easements Easements may be created by express grant or reservation, by implication or by prescription Express grant: an easement over grantor’s land may be granted to another. Statute of Frauds Easement must satisfy SOF. Unless exceptions to SOF applies, creation of an easement requires a written instrument signed by grantor. (failed attempt to create an easement may still result in license…) (2) duration: can be created to endure for life, period of years, forever.
  1. Express Agreement
  2. By Estoppel
License may be irrevocable under rules of estoppels. If licensee has constructed substantial improvements on either the liecnsor’s land or licensee’s land, relying on the license, in many staets the licensor is stopped from revoking the license. The theory is that it would be unfair to the licensee to permit revocation after he spends money in reliance.
Holbrook v. Taylor FACTS In 1944 D gave permission for haul road to be constructed on his property.  The road was used by a nearby mine, by D, and D’s tenant. P purchased the adjacent property in 1964 and used the road for access during the construction of their home.  After the house was completed, P’s continued to use the road for access to their home, made improvements, and generally maintained the roadway. A dispute later arose and D attempted to prevent P from using the road, P sued claiming an easement by estoppel HOLDING  Where use of a roadway, improvements to, and maintenance of a roadway all have occurred with the tacit approval of the landowner, the landowner is estopped from barring access to the improving party.   REASONING It would be unconscionable to allow an owner to revoke such a license after he has watched the licensee expend money and effort on reliance on the existence of such a license.   Whether or not there was permission, P’s expended money with D’s knowledge and in reliance that their continued use would be permitted.  NOTE Words mixed with deeds can create reasonable expectations of continued access that, when detrimentally relied upon function like a promise.   In this case; although no promise was actually made, the act of allowing P’s investment in the land functioned as a promise to allow continued access.  Easement by Estoppel is applicable in this case.
  1. Holbrook v. Taylor
  2. By Necessity
Easement by Necessity
Arises only when:
(1) an existing parcel is subdivided and
(2) one parcel is left landlocked      (no direct access to a public road)
(3) Can onlybe implied over remaining lands of grantor—not over neighboring lands that could also connect parcel to a public road!
  1. Finn v. Williams
Finn v. Williams…
▶ Where there has been unity of title…
▶ E by Necessity may lay dormant through several transfers of title, pass with each…
▶ And be exercised by some later owner!

Anything curious re: timing? Then why rule?
  1. By Prior Use
Easement Implied by Prior Use
▶ When O of large tract (or 2 adjoining tracts) sells part & keeps rest, Easement by Prior Usemay be claimed if four criteria:
Two parcels previously owned by a common grantor,
one previously used for benefit of other (‘seems perman’t’)
in an obvious and continuous way,
and continuation of the use is “reasonably necessary” for enjoyment of retained land.
“What does ‘Necessary’ mean?”
E by Necessity vs. E by Prior Use
E by Necessity = importance of Esmt to access landlocked parcel
E by Prior Use= importance of Esmt to enjoyment of existing use on retained parcel
▪ When prior use established, criteria is not strict necessity but that use is “important” or “highly convenient” to enjoyment of benefited lot
Rsnbl Necessity BT: rqd necessity reduced by obviousness of PU
Common Easements Implied by Prior Use
▶ Most concern rights of way for people or vehicles; also:
Access to sewer lines crossing under the grantor’s remaining land;
Rights of entry to maintain and repair a common structure, like a retaining wall;
Rights to obtain water from a well or aqueduct;
Controversial: access to public recr’nl areas (lake or beach).
Easement Vocabulary
▶ The Benefitof an esmt is the legal right to enforce performance of the obligation entailed in the esmt
    ▪ e.g., demand access

▶ The Burden of an esmt is the legal responsibility to performon the obligation
      ▪ e.g., provide access

  1. Granite Properties
  2. Running with the Land
  3. Green v. Lupo
Green v. Lupo
▶ Lupos bought property from the Greens (secured by a lien held by Greens).
▶ Greens released their lien in exchange for a RoW over another parcel that the Lupos owned.
K:  “to Don & Florence Green… for ingress and egress and for road and utilities” purposes
▶ At time, Greens had single cabin on parcel.  Later, added mobile home park; tenants used RoW as practice runway for motorcycles.
  1. In Gross or Appurtenant
Easement In Gross
▶ Benefits a specific party, benefit doesn’t attach to land.

E.g.: ▪ Utility easement ▪ Public trail easement

▶ Easement in gross burdens one parcel to     benefit use by a specific person or group of persons.
Example from class?

Appurtenant Easement
▶ Benefits users of a specific parcel of land that has some rel’p to the burdened parcel (usually proximity).
Burdens one parcel… to benefit use of another.

Examples from class?

The “Servient” Estate
▶ The parcel burdened w/ esmnt is called the   servient estate, b/c used to service the other. 

The “Dominant” Estate
▶ The parcel benefiting from the easement     (the one “served” by the servient estate) is     called the dominant estate.
Which is which in the Heymann v. Ryan esmt?  In esmt to BHK?
When does the Burden of an Esmt “Run”?
Esmts by Estoppel, Necessity, Prior Use run if meet defn’l criteria.   Benefit of an appurtenant esmt presumed to run w/dominant estate.
What needed for burden of E to bind successors on servient lot?
(1) Conveyed in a writing that satisfies SOF;
(2) Grantor intendsthat it run w/land; and
(3) Subsequent owner of servient estate has notice
▶ Years before selling rear lot to Prof. Heymann, I granted & recorded a perpetual easement across lot to BHK to visit Betsy. What3 ways could make the burden run to bind Prof. Heymann on the new lot?

You’re on Notice!”
Actual notice: Heard, read, or was told about it.
Buyer actually knew about it!
Inquiry notice: Might have seen a well-beaten footpath to hog pen, or seen BHK trouping across yard toward Betsy.
Rsnbl buyer follows up w/“inquiries” to find out if means a svtd!
Constructive Notice: B/c deed recorded, she’s on constructive notice even if never bothers to check the chain of title!  Even if she doesn’t know about it, she should have known.
Rsnbl buyer researches chain of title before buying real prop!
  1. Scope
  2. Cox v. Glenbrook
  3. Apportionment
  4. Henley v. Continental Cable television
Exclusive v. Nonexclusive Easements
▶ Assuming cable TV is within scope of original E, the question is ▪  whether the esmt was exclusive, or what rights Π retained.
▶ If Non-Exclusive: Grantee shares the permitted use w/ grantor
  ▪ Grantor retains continued rights to engage in use or further assign it
▪  Grantee can’t apportion benefit to others, b/c might interfere w/ grantor
▶ If Exclusive: then the esmt is apportionable by grantee
  ▪  Can assign benefit to others w/o interfering w/ grantor’s rights
▪  Absent exc. wear & tear, grantor sustains no lossif E shared
The Cases All Raise Questions About Scope…
The Kind of uses contemplated by the original grant    ▪ Did Green esmt allow for motorcycle racing, or just ingress/egress?      ▪ Was Henley easement good for cable TV as well as telephone lines?
The Divisibility of uses contemplated by the original grant    ▪ Was Cox easement expandable from use by 1 to use by 50 families?      ▪ Could the utilities infinitely subdivide the benefit of the Henley esmt?
When the right kind of use expands into an Unreasonable Burden ▪ Interpreted according to grantor’s intent, but if ambiguous, balances:   DE’s free development v. SE’s security from unanticipated ovrburden
  1. Modifying and Terminating Easements
Terminating Easements
(1) By Written releaseby holder
(2) By Esmt’s Own terms (e.g., if stated to terminate on transfer/death)
(3) By Merger, if dominant & servient estates become held by same O
(4) By Adverse possessionby O of servient estate (works like merger)
(5) By Abandonment, if holder’s conduct demonstrates clear intention
(6) For Frustration of purpose, if intended purpose becomes imposible    
  1. Equitable Servitudes
Intro to RC & EQS:
Thank Pre-Industrial England!
▶ Developed from limitations of 19th cntry English CL
▶ K law didn’t allow for assignment to 3d parties
▶ Obstacle to restricting land uses past title transfers
▶ K exceptions in context of real property became:    ▪ Real Covenants (dmges) & Equitable Svtds (inj)     ▶ NB: 3rd Restatement Convergence — A “Law of Servitudes”?

▶ (Affv) Esmt:= right you give others to use your land a certain way ▶RC & EQS: rts you give others to require you to use land certain way
RC= Pledge you make either to do something or not do something   on your own land, for the benefit of someone else’s land.
    ▪ What pledges in Yellow HseTulk?  Who for whose benefit?
EQS= Same, except (1) no privity required (or writing if estoppel);             (2) remedy (RC: damages; EQS: injunction)   ▪ Which remedy seems more valuable with regard to land use?
Requirements for RC to Run
(1) Must be in a writing that satisfies SoF
(2) Promisors must intend it to run to successors
(3) Servient estate O must have notice
(4) Horizontal & vertical privity of estate
(5) Obligation must touch & concern DE & SE Requirements for EQS to Run
Same as for RC except: ▪ Don’t need privity of estate             ▪ Writing rqmt relaxed if estoppel

(1) Usually in a SOF-writing (unless estoppel)
(2) Promisors must intend it to run to successors
(3) Servient estate O must have notice
(4) No requirement for privity of estate
(5) Obligation must touch & concern DE & SE

  1. Tulk v. Moxhay
Tulk v. Moxhay (1848 Ct. of Chancery)
▶ 1808: Tulk & Elms covenant that “Elms, his heirs & assigns” will:
“maintain [the Square] in its then form, and in sufficient and proper repair as a square garden and pleasure ground, in an open state, uncovered with any buildings, in neat and ornamental order”
…and that area residents, including Π’s tenants, can rent access to gated garden.
Writing?   ▶ Intent?   Notice?   Privity?   T&C?   Court?
  1. Touch and Concern Test
The “Touch & Concern” Test
Obligation must “T&C” both SE & DE to fully run w/land
▪ The only substantive requirement for RCs & EQSs to run…    ▪ …b/c tells us what kind of pledgequalifies to run with the land
Nutshell: A pledge touches & concerns if it is really about the land, not the people, in story
But how do we know when that’s true?

Does the Obligation “Touch & Concern?”
▶ To run, it must T&C bothservientanddominantestate

T&Cs SEif relates to use of servient land

●  T&Cs DEif improves enjoyment of DE or increases its market value.

T&C Servient Est. “if relates to use of servient land”
A pledgeto door not do something on land normally satisfies this part of test
  –to build a fence  –to maintain a garden –to not build high-rise or dig open-pit mine
A restriction on kinds of usesof landwill also suffice
–to use land only for compatible commercial development –to restrict structures to single-family residential homes
T&C DE “if improves enjoyment or market value”
Must benefit not just current O, but also future Os of DE
Think of it this way: if avg purchaser would pay more for DE b/c of the benefitconferred by pledge—it probably T&Cs!
Or: Who will value the benefit more after transfer of the DE—the original covenantor or the successor?
  ▪SE pledge to not paint house purple?
SE pledge to raise poodles on premises?

  1. Intro. To RC
  2. Whitinsville Plaza v. Kotseas
  3. RC and Privity of Estate
Introduction to Privity of Estate
▶ Fancy way of describing relationships btw parties    regarding estates in land.  For RCs, 2 different kinds:
Horizontal privity:rel’p created btw parties to a real covenant in which one parcel is burdened for benefit of another.  (In WP?)
Vertical privity:rel’p btw original covenantors and successors that allows RC obligation & benefit to run w/ land.  (In WP?)
But what is privity?  What are these rules for?
Privity of Estate: What is it for?
▶ RC stories can have long casts of characters—original covenantors, subsequent owners, renters, occupiers, adverse possessors, neighbors, etc.
Privity tells us who among these has the legally meaningful relationship to the covenant—i.e,   ▪ who, at any given time, it obligates or empowers.
▶ Once you figure out who’s in privity w/whom, you know  ▪ who’s entitled to benefit of the RC & ▪ who’s responsible for burden —or who can sue for breach, and who will be held liable for breach.
▶ Remember: who is in privity with whom changes over time that’s what happens when a covenant runs with the land!
  1. Whitinsville Plaza v. Kotseas
  2. Horizontal and Vertical Privity
  3. Implied Reciprocal Negative Servitudes (IRNS)
    1. Evans v. Pollock
    2. Sanborn v. McLean
    3. Riley v. Bear Creek Planning Committee
  1. Interpretation and Modification of Covenants
    1. Ambiguous Language
      1. Blevins
    2. Changed Language
      1. El Di v. Bethany Beach
    3. Relative Hardship and other defenses
  2. Racially Discriminatory Covenants
    1. Shelley v. Kraemer
    2. Evans v. Abney
  3. Common Interest Communities
  1. HOAS, Coops and Condos
    1. HOAs
    2. Coops
    3. Condos
  2. Community Land Trusts
    1. Dudley Street
  3. Private Governments
    1. Boss Thy Neighbor
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