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Digital marketing – Expectations vs Reality

Digital marketing – Expectations vs Reality

Digital marketing has transformed how people are able to handle their advertising. What people haven’t been able to internalize are the intricacies and efforts that go into making digital marketing a successful venture. The expectation when starting a digital marketing campaign are very different to the reality that one gets and it is only through a definite understanding of these elements that a successful campaign will be captured. In digital marketing, here are the expectations vs the reality that people have to take in.


Theoretical plan manifests in real situations

When setting up a campaign, the expectation is normally that the theoretical plan that you had set out will manifest in the real situation. On paper, digital marketing theories and strategies are always appealing and it is always the expectation that these theories will be fruitful in terms of delivering the desired results without any hiccups. What you have learnt in the marketing theories don’t usually manifest when it comes to the real situations.

Social media will bring in unlimited traffic 

The digital marketing world has taken a massive shift since the advent of social media and a huge expectation when doing digital marketing in the era of social media is that unlimited traffic is in the offing. Social media has the potential to bring in the traffic but that will happen with effective management.

Target market will respond to any digital marketing strategy

Marketers always hold the expectation that the target market will respond to any digital marketing strategy adopted when doing digital marketing. All creativity and innovativeness is tuned has its own impact and this means that as much as you expect an impact, it may not win over the target market.

Fellow digital marketers will be kind 

In the digital marketing field, every strategy developed is fair game and it is up to you to find the combination that works for you and the target market you are trying to reel in. It is a widespread expectation that digital marketers will be kind and this is a notion that should be approached carefully since not all will go that route.

Content is everything 

Relevant and thought provoking content is what makes the difference, just any content will not achieve the purpose. There is however an expectation that content is everything and that whatever you put out there will resonate with the target audience as long as it has a creative angle to it.


Digital marketing is for everyone 

People tend to think that only big brands need digital marketing to stay in the face of the target audience. This is a misconception and the reality is that digital marketing is for everyone since every entity needs to have its target audience appraised on what is going on and any new developments that have to be taken advantage of.

Digital marketing doesn’t translate to higher income 

As much as digital marketing may increase traffic to your website or ecommerce sites, it does not directly translate to higher income. The reality of digital marketing is that it gets you closer to your target audience and it is a whole other process and effort to convince the buyer to make a purchase so that revenue is increased.

Digital marketing won’t work on its own 

A misconception many marketers carry with digital marketing is that it is good to run on its own. Digital marketing has to be combined with other traditional marketing strategies and avenues. Digital marketing addresses a niche of the target audience but it also has to be combined with other strategies so that the ultimate goal is achieved.

Organic leads work better 

When it comes to digital marketing, organic leads are the best since they mean lead generation is captured naturally and this is what makes conversions easier. With other lead generation avenues, the connection created is more generic which requires more effort for the conversion funnel to work fully. The reality in this case therefore boils down to the fact that organic leads will bring in traffic and lead to more conversions than any other forms.

One and done approach is ineffective 

The target audience utilizes different platforms for different purposes and placing the same message across all platforms means that it will not be effective. Each digital platform requires a unique message to fit in with what the target audience expects. Whether it is social media, websites, emails, blogs or a landing page; the message needs to be optimized so that the target audience finds value in what they see and interact with.

Digital marketing is a brutal field and it must be approached with a sober mind that has all expectations aligned with what the reality holds. It is easier to adjust to the reality when expectations are streamlined and adjusted accordingly. You can learn more about digital marketing and its core factors by visiting which is a valuable resource with authority on the matter.

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