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dental implant without sinus lift

Hailed as a solution to lack of enough bone for dental implant placement, sinus lifting surgery has been anything but a solution. The dreaded procedure which involves separating the membrane from the bottom of the maxillary sinus above the upper jaw in order to insert a new bone graft and thicken the jawbone to support the new implant, is not only painful but time consuming. 

Sinus lifting surgery takes more than two hours and there is an aspect of trauma attached to it. The pain after the procedure proves to be unbearable to many and considering that it can last for up to a week, it really is invasive and will get in the way of very many things. In some special cases, patients develop facial swelling and bruising in the new area of the implant which only adds to the misery. 

Once the graft has healed properly, a patient is required to wait for six months to a year before new bone can be generated. Once the bone generated is thick enough, a second equally traumatic procedure is needed to insert a new dental implant into the new bone. Because of the age of the generated bone, this second procedure is not always a guarantee and the success rate of this procedure is just below 50%. A lot of the implants that are placed in the new bone are normally very unstable and will need a very long time before they can fully integrate into the bone. Some people require anything from 3 months to 7 seven months before the implant can be fully integrated.

Because of how tedious this entire procedure is, a lot of people began shying away from sinus lift dental surgeries. The painful, invasive and time consuming procedure was not only traumatic but equally expensive. This is why dentists and other professionals in the industry had to look for other alternatives to replace the backward traumatic procedure. 

Here at RunRex, we understand how painful and invasive the traditional sinus lift surgery is and try as much as possible to resist from offering it to our patients. We have invested in other modern technologies which we reckon are more noninvasive, less painful and require very little time to heal. 

We have a host of options to choose from and our dentists always opt for the option they deem to be the most appropriate for the patient. Here are two of the most commonly used alternatives in the market which we gladly offer here at RunRex at affordable rates; 

Autogenous Bone Grafting 

In the event that the ideal area for a dental implant does not have sufficient bone quantity to harbor the new implants, our dentists here at RunRex, will look for a graft bone from another part of the mouth. The bone removed from another part of the mouth is then surgically grafted into the ideal area required for the new dental implants. 

Our preferred area of ‘borrowing’ a bone from is the chin or from the back of the jaw where the first wisdom teeth grow. The bone is then carefully grafted into the target area and given some time to heal before the implant can be seamlessly placed into position. 

Sinus Lift Augmentation 

One might argue that sinus lift augmentation is the same as the dreaded sinus lift surgery but here at RunRex, we believe that the sinus lift augmentation service that we offer, is far less invasive and requires less time that the traditional sinus surgery. 

Our sinus lift augmentation involves the restoration of the sinus cavity to the original size and replacing the lost bone to provide enough stable space to place the new implant. Our augmentation procedure takes far less time, is not painful at all and has a success rate of over 90%. In just 8 months, your graft is healed and ready for a new implant. 

Implant site development 

Another viable solution that we offer here at RunRex is the implant site development option which is ideal for infected teeth which are due for removal and replacement. In the event that a tooth is infected and the bone around that tooth is lost, we opt to graft the bone immediately after removing the infected tooth. This newly grafted bone facilitates the placement of a new implant at a later date which is usually after a few months. 

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