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dental implant without healing cap

Ever since they started getting used in dentistry, dental implants have helped transform millions of lives in the world. People who would otherwise have had to lead the rest of their lives with missing teeth, are able to get replacements which mimic their natural teeth and help them lead a normal life. 

As years have gone by, the technology used in the placement of dental implants has taken inroads and constantly improves. Among the most notable additions to the dental implants surgery are the healing caps. Introduced in the late 2000s, these caps have always been a thing of controversy with various dentists subscribing to different schools of thought on their appropriateness in implant dentistry. 

 Here at RunRex, we get numerous questions about the importance of the healing caps and whether or not they are crucial to the proper healing after dental implant surgery. To understand the importance or lack thereof of these dental caps, we consulted Dr. Thomas Han who is a lead experienced dentist here at RunRex and he was more than willing to help us to understand the significance of dental healing caps in implant dentistry. Here is what Dr. Han had to say;

Dental Healing Caps 

After implant surgery, some individuals who have very soft tissues struggle to heal and even little movement aggravates their wounds. To help such individuals to recover quickly after surgery, dentists use small dome shaped metallic cylinders which are placed above the gums and over the fixation screws of the implants. These metallic cylinders are referred to as healing caps. 

The primary function of these healing caps is to help protect the soft tissue surrounding the newly placed dental implant. Besides the actual protection from physical injury and aggravation, the caps provide a special framework for the healing gums. This framework helps the dental implants and the gum area surrounding the implants to heal while taking a desired shape. 

The healing caps are also important to individuals who suffer from malocclusions. They help protect the newly placed dental implants from occlusal pressure resulting from opposing teeth coming together when one is chewing or even talking. The cap helps protect the soft tissue from the pressure exerted by the opposing set of teeth and accelerate the healing process. 

Finally, the dental healing caps help cover the soft tissue harboring the dental implants from infections and attack from other forms of contamination. The soft tissue surrounding the dental implants is susceptible to attack by bacteria and there is every reason to protect the area.

Why are the healing caps so contentious? 

Although they have a host of advantages, healing caps are not universally accepted or adored by those in the dental scene. A lot of dentists argue that the healing caps are nothing but an extra baggage to the patient and that their significance is negligible and patients can do without them. 

Here at RunRex, we believe that not everyone needs to get healing caps after dental implants surgery. If a patient has no history of gum diseases or extra soft tissue, then we always opt for dental implant surgery without the healing caps. The caps are only called for when the tissue is too soft or the implants are unstable.

Does getting healing caps mean paying extra? 

Well, depending on the nature of your gums, you might be required to pay extra money to get healing caps. This differs from one dental office to another. In cases where the dental healing caps are contoured to a custom shape to help enhance the aesthetics of the patient, then the patient will be required to cough up a little bit more. 

Best dental implant surgery without healing cap in Bellevue 

If you are looking to bypass the healing caps altogether and get the best dental implant surgery without the healing caps, then look no further than RunRex’s way. We offer high quality dental implant surgery which requires no healing caps or any other specialized after-treatment to guarantee success. 

With the help of high tech equipment and modern surgery methodologies, our team of experienced dentists ensures that there is no need for healing caps or any other specialized equipment. In the unlikely event that there is need for the healing caps, our able dentists will consult with the patient before proceeding with the surgery. 

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