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dental implant is loose

After spending thousands of dollars replacing your missing teeth with dental implants, the last thing you want, is them becoming loose and wobbly within a few months. Unfortunately though, this is the reality that a lot of dental implant recipients have to put up with. Cases of loose dental implants are on the rise and it is an alarming trend. 

Here at RunRex, we receive hundreds of cases of patients complaining of loose or wobbly dental implants which they got from other service providers. It is a trend that has left us questioning the quality of dental services offered out there because some of the cases that are reported to us, are nothing but blatant cases of negligence and lack of seriousness by the dentists in charge. 

Loose dental implants 

Although the design and orientation of modern dental implants has been improved tremendously, the number of reported loose dental implants is surprisingly on the rise. So, what causes the quick loosening of the dental implants? What are some of the factors that accelerate the loosening of dental implants? 

To understand this matter, we talked to Dr. Sam Han who is a head dentist here at RunRex and he was more than willing to help us understand the matter. Dr. Han has handled thousands of cases pertaining loose implants and is best placed to address this question. Here is what Dr. Han had to say about loose dental implants; 

Factors that accelerate the loosening of dental implants 

Lack of enough jawbone mass when inserting the dental implant 

Before inserting a dental implant, a dentist needs to ensure that the bone mass is sufficient enough to anchor the implant and offer the required stability. Without sufficient jaw bone, the implant will only be superficially held and the implant will not be properly anchored. In just a few months after the fitting, the implant will start wobbling because of the weak foundation. 

Lack of enough time for the implant to integrate 

Because of aesthetic concerns, some people opt to get immediate crowns over their dental implants just after the dental surgery. Although such crowns can be a good idea aesthetically, they can jeopardize with the stability and longevity of the inserted implant. 

See, for an implant to properly integrate with the bone, it needs a few months. If rushed with a crown immediately after the surgery, chances of the implant loosening and becoming wobbly after a few weeks are very high. 

Improper grafting and bad sinus lifting surgeries 

The other reason why implants loosen quickly is because of poor grafting or bad sinus lifting surgeries. People who don’t have enough bone mass to anchor an implant, require a special procedure to provide sufficient bone mass for anchorage. 

If the grafting or the sinus lifting surgery is not done properly, it will only take a matter of time before the fitted implant becomes shaky and wobbly. 

Dentist negligence 

The other factor that results in loose and wobbly dental implants is negligence during surgical procedures. As we all know, it takes competence, experience and proper equipment for one to conduct successful dental implant surgery. Some rogue dentists take advantage of people’s naivety and offer low cost implant surgeries and end up doing shoddy jobs. A lot of the time, implants acquired this way, become wobbly and shaky in no time. 

What should you do if you have loose dental implants? 

So, what should a patient do if they have loose dental implants? What can a dentist do to a loose dental implant? 

Well, the solution to a loose dental implant will depend on the cause of the wobbliness. If for example the implant is loose because of loosening of the screw holding the crown, then the dentist only requires to torque the screw to the right specifications and cement it into position. 

In serious cases such as lack of enough bone mass to anchor the implant, then serious examination is required to ascertain the best solution. The dentist might be required to completely remove the implant, graft the bone afresh and apply another implant. 

The solution will really depend on the cause of the implant becoming loose. As a patient, the best thing to do once you have detected a loose implant is to report it to your dentists as soon as you can. Trying to live with a loose implant can lead to complications and can possibly damage your jawbone. 

Prevention is better than cure 

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