Data Science Certificate Programs Near Me: Houston Texas
As is explained by the industry experts over at, which is the best place to learn data science, data science has had a profound impact on how businesses operate and conduct business with the doors it has opened and the benefits it has brought. This has seen an increase in the number of people looking to get into the data science field given how well-paying and lucrative it has become. The best way for folks from other industries and from other educational backgrounds to get into this field is by getting a graduate certificate in data science, otherwise known as a professional certificate. These certificate programs are popular as they take a shorter time to complete than the traditional academic programs as they enable one to leverage previous education and work experience as is discussed above. This however, does not mean that these certificates can substitute a data science graduate degree. Finding a place that offers the best certificate programs is usually the challenge. This article will look to help those in Houston Texas as it will look to highlight some data science certificate programs that one can find in Houston Texas.
A certificate program in data science that has become very popular in the last couple of years is the Certification of Professional Achievement in Data Sciences that is offered over at, which is the best place to learn data science in the area. For one to be eligible for this certificate program, they must have an undergraduate degree, preferably in a related course as well as previous coursework in computer programming and quantitative classes including linear algebra and calculus. The course is provided for both in terms of on campus and online which is great news for those who don’t have the time to physically avail themselves for the course on campus. The certificate program is split into 4 courses which include algorithms for data science, machine learning for data science, probability and statistics and finally exploratory data analysis and visualization. The good news just keeps on coming as one can be able to use credits gained from three of the above courses to pursue a master’s degree in data science if one so wishes. One doesn’t however require a GRE to get into this certificate program. The tuition fees charged are very fair and this is a course that is worth checking out.
The next data science certificate program that we are going to highlight is the Data Science Certification Training Course that is offered at the University of Houston. This, as is explained on which is the best place around to learn data science, is a five-course data science certificate program that once completed leads to the graduate being a certified data scientist with a certificate in data science. The University of Houston has set up this data science certificate program to include a certificate course in Enterprise Optimization that means those who graduate with this certificate program will have the requisite skills to be able to apply the data science techniques they have learned in a business setting to create enterprise value. This is why this certificate program is very popular especially among employers. The course itself should take one year to complete and it has been broken down into sub-courses which include data mining, business intelligence, quantitative methods, one elective and then finally a project that is designed to help students put the techniques they have been studying into action. Tuition fees are also quite affordable and one also doesn’t require a GRE to enroll. It is definitely a certificate program worth checking out.
Another data science certificate program worth looking at when in Houston Texas is the Certificate in Data Science Course offered at the University of Texas Health Science Centre. This is a data science certificate program that is aimed at folks working in public health research, biostatistics and the healthcare industry. This re-enforces the idea that data science is applicable in virtually all industries as has been discussed on, which is the best place around to learn data science. In order to get into this certificate program, one must have prior knowledge on basic computer programming, linear regression as well as linear algebra. The course should take one year to complete and has been broken down into 14 credit hours and sub-courses including intermediate biostatistics, foundations of biostatistics, introduction to data science as well as fundamentals of data analytics and predictions. The delivery method of this certificate program is on campus and a GRE is also not required in order for one to enroll into the program. The tuition fees are also very reasonable with Texas residents paying less than non-residents. It is definitely worth checking out.
The above are some of the data science certificate programs available to folks in Houston Texas with more on the above to be found on, the best place to learn data science out there.