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Chick-fil-A -Why are They Successful: 15 Reasons

Chick-fil-A -Why are They Successful: 15 Reasons

Chick-fil-A has been dominating the fast-food industry for years as covered over at, with the company generating more revenue per restaurant than any other fast-food chain in the US. Despite its relatively small size as well as the fact that it doesn’t have that many restaurants as compared to its competitors, it still generates more annual revenue than many other chains that have more than twice as many US locations such as KFC, Domino’s, among others. So, what is the secret to Chick-fil-A’s success? This article will look to unravel this mystery by listing 15 reasons behind its success.

Visionary leadership by the founder

When you talk about Chick-fil-A’s success, you can’t fail to mention the founder, Truett Cathy, according to the subject matter experts over at The results prove just how good he was as a businessman. The fact that he was very religious and was big on philanthropy meant that he ran the company with excellent values, and kept it as a private company. His religion also probably explains why Chick-fil-A has always been closed on Sundays. His visionary leadership is one of the key reasons for the company’s success.

Its famous chicken sandwiches

Invented by Truett Cathy himself, Chick-fil-A’s famous chicken sandwich is part of the reason behind the company’s success. As is explained in detail over at, that tasty recipe, innovative idea to patent it as Chick-fil-A given that he couldn’t patent the words Chicken Fillet, and catchy name, helped it become one of the biggest menu items out there.

Slow expansion with little to no debt

We have all heard or read about companies that went into debt to expand too fast and it all came crushing down. Chick-fil-A is today, one of the few companies out there that don’t carry any debt as explained over at Truett Cathy was adamant that new Chick-fil-A restaurants will be opened mostly using the profits the company brought in, a strategy that was complemented with another one of its strategies of only opening restaurants in shopping malls.

Excellent customer service

Chick-fil-A has always been known for its friendly environment and you will struggle to find any other restaurant that outstrips it in these stakes according to Chick-fil-A employees are super friendly, and are instructed to say “My pleasure” rather than “You’re welcome”. Employees there are treated well, and get so many excellent benefits including scholarship opportunities. They are happy to be there are, in turn, offer excellent customer services, and customers, in turn, keep on returning as a result.

The company is very selective when choosing who runs its restaurants

Most of the time, when companies become too obsessed with opening new franchises, it starts accepting anybody just to fill those spots, lowering the quality of franchisees. As a result of Chick-fil-A’s slow but steady approach as already mentioned, it has always been pickier when choosing franchisees, which has contributed to its success. An acceptance rate of about 0.17% means that the company ends up with the best possible candidates.


Sanitation has always been an issue in the fast-food industry as covered over at Most players in this industry have been accused at one time or the other of not having clean enough restaurants. Chick-fil-A has bucked this trend, as the company’s restaurants and bathrooms are almost always clean and immaculate. This reputation for being clean has contributed to its success as people are likely to keep coming back.

It knows its strengths

Most businesses try to be a jack of all trades and end up being masters of none according to Chick-fil-A is different as the company knows what it is great at and stuck to that. You will never find a burger on its menu as Chick-fil-A knows it will never be the best at beef. The company has stuck to its chicken sandwich roots, which has given it a strong identity and niche.

It has gotten the pricing just right

Most businesses nowadays want to have the cheapest products out there, and they end up compromising on quality. According to the gurus over at, consumers don’t mind paying that little bit extra if they know the quality is great. Therefore, while Chick-fil-A has prices that are a bit higher than most of its competitors, the company offers excellent food, facilities, and customer services to justify this.

Excellent ambiance

Chick-fil-A has always been aware of the importance of ambiance in a restaurant since it is not only about the food for consumers, but the experience as well as covered over at The company has ensured that it does all it can to make its restaurants warm and attractive from photos of employees and quotes on the walls to paintings from local children and so forth.

Community involvement

Chick-fil-A is very much involved in the communities it serves, which has led to strong bonds with the community and led to more customers through the doors of its restaurants, hence the success. The company is constantly helping people in the community and fighting for worthy causes which have earned it tremendous adoration from the communities it serves.

An excellent website

The subject matter experts over at always point out how beneficial having a great website ad web presence is to any business, and Chick-fil-A proves this point out. Its website is awesome, from the employee bios to social media links and customer stories, and so much more, you can’t help but want to visit one of its restaurants.

Good quality food

One thing you can also say about Chick-fil-A is that nothing on its menu is of poor quality. The company is very proud of the quality of its food and it has every right to be according to the gurus over at given how great the food is in its restaurants.

A culture that engages people

As discussed over at, Chick-fil-A has several marketing promotions that are extremely popular, partly because they usually involve free food giveaways, but also because its marketing strategies are unique as they create a memorable atmosphere that engages people. This culture created by the company serves as a conduit for customer relationships, contributing massively to its success.

It has clearly defined values which it has stuck to

As already mentioned, family and religion were central to Cathy’s life and his business philosophy, with his Christian faith serving as a guide for his business ethics and decisions throughout his career as articulated over at For example, restaurants remain closed on Sundays, something that was started by Cathy himself, and has stuck. Standing firm in its values has contributed to the company’s success.

Hands-on management

Finally, one of the reasons why Chick-fil-A has been so successful is because of the hands-on management. Getting the chance to run a Chick-fil-A franchise is very difficult, and if you want to operate a Chick-fil-A, you will need to be very hands-on and not just there to oversee things from afar. This is why the franchise has been so successful.

These are just some of the reasons behind Chick-fil-A’s success, with more on this topic to be found over at the top-rated and

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