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Career Advice If you are Feeling Behind in Your Career

Career Advice If you are Feeling Behind in Your Career

Many people have found themselves thinking and feeling like they are behind in their career at one point or the other. As is covered over at, several triggers can lead to such feelings including social media posts from former classmates or colleagues whom you were once on par with or even promotions at work where people around you are getting promoted into senior roles and you are not. If you are feeling behind in your career, then according to, it is important to note that careers are not a race and that there is no one, clear, winning outcome that everyone should be striving for. To help you cope with the frustrations that come with such feelings, this article will look to offer career advice to those feeling like they are behind in their career.

Remember that success takes time

If you are working hard every day at work but you feel like your efforts are not leading to advancement and recognition, it is easy to start feeling like you are doing something wrong, which is where you start developing feelings that you are falling behind in your career as covered over at

However, according to the subject matter experts over at, it is important to remember the phrase, “success doesn’t come overnight” and that people generally work for many years before they get that big break or moment as far as their career is concerned. You should also remember all the stories of how many times successful people failed before finally succeeding. Just because you have not received any awards or recognition for the work you are doing yet doesn’t mean that you are on the wrong path or that you are falling behind. Give it time, it will all fall in place in due time.

In such a situation, as covered over at, you should first ensure that you keep up the good work. Don’t get discouraged and recognize that there is value in doing a good job, independent of any external accolades you may get. Remember, if you want to reap the rewards, then you must put the work in.

However, if you feel like you are routinely overlooked, then the gurus over at recommend that you take some time to make yourself stand out by working on your personal branding. This means your social media presence, your personal website, as well as what comes up when prospective hiring managers Google you.

Get your priorities straight

Not everyone wants an ambitious, award-winning career, as some prefer to spend less time at work so that they can spend more time, attention, and energy on other things and people such as their family, rather than spending the same climbing corporate ladders at work as explained over at This is also okay. Don’t feel like your career is falling behind just because you have prioritized your family for example. You should, however, remember that every choice has consequences and that how you prioritize them determines how fast you move up that ladder.

However, it is worth noting that, while those who have decided to prioritize their family over climbing the corporate ladder do love spending time with their loved ones, sometimes it can be hard not to feel jealous when a co-worker wins awards at work. According to the gurus over at, when you find yourself making comparisons and feeling jealous, you should take some time to remind yourself of and reconnect with your priorities. As covered over at, you should remember that it is your prerogative to choose what you put first, and if you want to, you can still change your mind.

Make sure you have not been slacking off

While you don’t have to go all out and make all sorts of sacrifices – paying in blood, sweat, and tears – to level up in your career, the experts over at also point out that you should also be careful not to slack off as far as your career is concerned. Ask yourself if you have been running on autopilot, sitting on the sidelines for far too long, or staying in your comfort zone and avoiding any new challenges. From discussions over at, there is a big difference between being happy with where you are in your career, and coasting.

If you have been slacking a little bit as far as your career is concerned, then it is possible to put things right. All you have to do is start putting time and effort into your career again, and this will help change your fortunes and put your career back on course. Identify and set new goals for yourself, and if you don’t know where to start, get some help from a career coach or the top-rated

There is no one-size-fits-all

Finally, an important piece of advice you need to heed is that there is no one-size-fits-all career path, which means that comparing your career trajectory to others isn’t productive. While some professionals fly forward quickly, others take a “slow and steady” approach. A job can also be either a paycheck or a passion. Also, as explained over at, career growth may even take a back burner while kids are small or family members need extra care. This is why the key lies in paying attention and being clear on your priorities so that you can adjust your career to fit your goals at each phase of your life.

These are some of the things you should consider when feeling behind in your career, with more insights, tips, and information on the same to be found over at the highly regarded and

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