RunRex is a digital marketing agency located in Humble Texas.
Acquisition of Citizenship – Jus Soli and Jus Sanguinus INA § 301 Jus Soli: conferral of nationality based on birth w/in territory Everyone born in the U.S. is a U.S. citizen, thanks to the 14th amendment. Immigration policy cannot get around this. (Wong Kim Ark) Pros: admin convenience; egalitarian; inclusive; most inclusive rule Cons: arbitrary […]
Nonimmigrants Definition: Anyone wishing to come to U.S. presumed immigrant (§ 214(b)). “Imm” defined as anyone except listed categories of non-imms in § 101(a)(15). Exs: Foreign gov officials (A); visitors for business/pleasure (B-1, B-2); students (F, M); Int’l reps (G); Cit fiancés (K). 32 mill nonimm admissions in 2001; 90% visitors for business and pleasure […]
Immigration Reform Proposals 🡪 INA § 212(a)(5)
Immigration Reform Proposals 🡪 INA § 212(a)(5) Empirics of Immigration: What Immigration in the last 15 years signifies Where are immigrants going? Until 1990, going to gateway states; by 2000, spreading across the country. Including their children, foreign born pop. will make up 1/3 of the U.S. pop. by 2025 Where are immigrants coming from? […]